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This summer may not have inspired your garden lighting and  seemed one of the most memorable on record  but temperatures have  mostly held up  nicely and there have been  many evenings where you could  laze outside on your  paved or decked  terrace enjoying a glass of  red and watching the sun fade  on the horizon.  So what  nicer way to  welcome in the dusk  than to transform  your outdoor living  area with garden lights that accentuate  illuminate and set  up the garden  area in a whole new light .

You only have to look at how decking has sold in the UK in the past 10 years to know that we Brits love to view our land, however small, from our own exclusive balcony. Eating outside is a rare but precious summer treat and what could be nicer than seeing our open air areas lit up in an subtle and eco friendly manner . Garden illumination needs to be both attractive and functional . Garden lights come in many options, sizes and types.

Some illuminations requires no installation . It simply plugs into a normal internal or external socket and you can leave the lights in situ until its time to put them away for the Winter . Perhaps the easiest type of outdoor light which requires no electric and are just turned on and off as you like.

Of course there are proven techniques to designing garden lighting. Where to illuminate and with what are key to your success. Areas such as sitting areas, seats and tables , ponds, paths and play pens. Stairs are often included for obvious safety reasons.

Lighting is also about security of course, when illuminating dark corners where people with bad intentions may be looking for an opportunist crime .

Lights themselves take many forms . There are wall lights, bulkheads, submersible lamps, sun powered, fantasy, novelty and security lights. Then of course there are spotlights, lanterns , recessed lamps, LEDs and remote controlled lights.
Solar lighting is often good for showing off your plants after dark. Spotlighting a tall feature is popular and cool. Colored lighting can also create a very different mood to white light, especially deep reds . It is often essential to draw a bird's eye view of your garden and place on the drawing all of the main features of your outdoor space . Include garden furniture , sheds, flower beds , lawn , deck, trees and so on. High features like trees and water falls can be lit with spot lighting.

Place sun powered lighting close to the plants and flowers that you want to feature as the stars of the yard after dark. Low level or ground lighting is effective to show off flat areas of grass or earth .
Security lamps can also create stark shadows and dramatic impact if placed in the right area as well as of course deterring criminals . Good garden lighting stops that shrinking feel to your house after the sun goes down. A well designed garden lights scheme can be admired from inside as well as outside your house and will give a big new dimension to your living space .