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Women’s Health Physiotherapy is a specialised service that we offer due to a higher than expected incidence of issues than is commonly suspected in the general population.

Research has shown that up to “25% of women are incontinent and over 50% of all women can’t correctly contract their pelvic floor”.  And despite the commonly held belief that “stress incontinence” is a pregnancy related issue or is associated with old age – stress incontinence also affects elite women athletes. How does it affect elite athletes? – usually it is related to incorrect activation of the pelvic floor and poor control of the deep core muscles – even though they could probably do a 100 sit-ups with ease! The key factor is which muscle group is working correctly.

Sportspinal Health use the Real Time Ultrasound as part of their overall assessment of these muscle groups. The fantastic thing about the Real Time Ultrasound is that it has been shown to be just as valid and reliable as the invasive procedure of an internal assessment to diagnose pelvic floor issues, many women simply put up with the problem.

So as a result of modern science through the use of Real Time Ultrasound, the pelvic floor can be assessed simply by placing the equipment near your belly button .i.e. An external, non-invasive solution.