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Career Web Project - Liberal Arts & Sciences

The study of Liberal Arts and Sciences is an important asset in today's workplace. Take the study of English and Mathematics for example; both of which are majors within the field of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and both are highly useful in gaining and keeping employment. Today's workplace requires excellent verbal and written communication skills. These skills are acquired through a variety of experiences; one of those being the study of reading, writing, and the analytical study of language and literature. Hundreds of cummunication pieces can circulate through the office at any given time. These can take the form of letters, memos, performance evaluations, reports, flyers, emails, text messages, and instant messages. The ability to understand and accurately interpret these messages are crucial to their proper enforcement. Verbal communication is just as important. A successful employee is one who is able to speak clearly and intelligently, using tact and diplomacy when needed, and adjusting his or her communication style to accomodate the needs of their audience. These are nuances and sensibilities that can be acquired and developed through the careful study of language and literature. Mathematics are very important in the workplace. You don't have to be a mathematician to benefit from their study. Take salary and compensation for example. How do you know how much salary to ask for when you're interviewing for that new job? How does your current salary compare to the current market? What is the percentage increase needed to bring your current salary to the midpoint range? What about calculating your pay? What percentage of it is allocated for housing? food? transportation? Employees that are able to work with numbers are highly valued and not so easily dismissed from employment. Mathematical skills are needed when processing payroll, when doing billing, when paying vendors, when developing financial reports, annual reports and contracts. The study of mathematics is just as valuable for the employee as it is for the employer. In conclusion, the study of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and in particular, acquiring a mastery of both English and Mathematics, is highly relevant in today's workplace. Employers are looking for people that can read, write, and communicate effectively. These employees are able to carry through the direction of the higher-ups and steer the company in the right direction. Knowing mathematics and knowing how to express one's self effectively are powerful tools that can open doors and keep them open for a very long time.

Career Related Links

1. What to do with a Liberal Arts & Science degree
2. Earnings and occupations by college major
3. Good description of Liberal Arts and Sciences
4. Resource guide for Liberal Arts majors
5. National Association of Scholars
6. Resource for Women Professionals
7. Liberal Arts and Sciences at Santa Fe College
8. Liberal Arts and Sciences at The University of Florida
9. Liberal Arts and Sciences at The University of North Florida
10. Liberal Arts and Sciences at Florida State College at Jacksonville
11. Employment with the US Federal Government
12. Employment with the State of Florida
13. Employment with the University of Florida

Non-Web Resources