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We employed, Nikki Baltusis, for our wedding and it was a huge mistake. 

First and foremost she left two hours early, because she had "work" the next morning. She missed or took unusable pictures of some of the most fundamental and important events of a wedding. For example in our wedding she missed the introduction of the bride and groom, the bridal parties procession to the reception, and the father delivering his daughter.

She was out of breath and confused the day of the wedding because she lacked the due diligence to visit the venue beforehand, even after the bride requested her to do so. She held up the entire wedding because she was late to the bridal prep shoot. She was rude to the guests who wanted pictures with the bride and groom including the mother of the bride. Her lack of professionalism got so bad the D.J. even commented. 

I implore you, please reconsider hiring this woman and for the love of a frame photography or paint hope photography or what ever name she chooses to use at your event.

Thank you for reading...
