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The Obsession Began….

I have been totally obsessed in the world of carp angling for the past fifth teen years or more chasing carp around the country.  It was chasing these carp that began another passion that being photography.  I love the outdoors and to be able to capture those special moments forever spurred me onto creating Big Kippa Portraits.  Since then I have never looked back the great thing about photography is the same as carp fishing you just never know what’s round the corner!



I think it goes without saying that photography and carp fishing go hand in hand we are the lucky few that can escape the rat race and truly enjoy what our little world has to offer.  


As Mr & Mrs Smith wake up to yet another day of stress and general nine to five life there will be many us who have woken  to some of the most inspiring dawns your lightly to see just as there burnt bread pops out of there toaster. 


This alone is a worthy reason to go fishing but to be able to capture that moment in a second and leave an impression that will last a life time really lights my fire. 


I have been lucky enough to work freelance in the Angling industry for ten or more years writing, fishing and working with the likes of Dave Levy, Lee Merit, Jerry Bridger and Jon Banister to name but a few as well as regularly writing for such publications as Crafty Carper and Carp Addict back in the day.


Over the years it became apparent that we spend many hours hunting our obsession for that one moment when all the pain, hard work and dedication is totally forgotten about as you look down into the net to see a new personal best or a target achieved.


It’s all too easy to forget how important and rare for that matter these moments are and before you know it off she swims for another day as you look on in total ore.


All that is left is the images capturing a moment in a second but leaving an impression for a lifetime.


There are times however that these images no matter how important they are stay locked away in a cupboard or on your computer begging to see the light of day.


This is where we come into play!


BKP are a Specialist photographic company whose sole aim is to get these images where they belong, out of the dark and onto the pride of place hanging on your wall or a mug or whatever takes your fancy!


We also specialise in photo enlargements, Framing, Photo Repair, on the bank photographic master classes and much more so please feel free to call anytime or visit our web site to see what we have to offer!


I hope you like what we have to offer and look forward to speaking to you soon!


Tight lines


Mark Mann