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Francis Fernandez

Assignment Chapter 1

CISW 11 40536

1. UCLA:  Professors at U.C.L.A. were influential in developing the early iterations of the computer network. U.C.L.A. was the location of the first internet message processor connecting to the first host computer in 1969

2. Al Gore: Al Gore funded the first four supercomputing centers that helped to establish the infrastructure of the internet. It provided the necessary federal funding needed in order to accomplish the research necessary for developing internet applications.

3. RAND Corporation: An engineer at the RAND Corporation developed one of the foundations of the internet called packet switching, which broke down information into packets to be sent from one computer to another. The RAND Corporation was also the location of terminal that helped spawn the Arpanet, which connected computer terminals together.

4. Vint Cerf: Vint Cerf teamed up with Robert Kahn to develop the networking protocols TCP and IP. He was also one of the men who appreciated the vastness of the Internet as a network and creating a unifying protocol that would become the standard of the internet.

5. Leonard Kleinrock: He was one of the men to help build the first computer networks. He was a professor of computer science at U.C.L.A. when the first internet message processor message was sent.

6. Jeff Bezos: Jeff Bezos was an analyst for a hedge fund in New York. He created the now famous online store

7. Marc Andreesen: He was a student at the University of Illinois and had developed Mosaic, the first internet browser. He also became cocky about his internet browser when pitted up against Microsoft's Internet Explorer, feeling that he and his colleague had the majority of the market.

8. Jonathan Abrams: He was a former Netscape employee who began the social networking trend on the internet with Friendster. He wanted to create service where people wanted to be each other's friends, and see each other's profiles as opposed to websites like As a result, websites like Myspace and Facebook were born.

9. Jerry Yang: He teamed up with David Filo to create the search engine Yahoo. He did not know that Yahoo would be widely accepted around the world, and mentions how its popularity was based on word of mouth.

10. Sergey Brin: He and Larry Page were the founders of Google, the most popular search engine to date. They derived the term Google from the mathematical term googol which represents 10 to the 100th power.