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Guild Wars 2 Is Still Going Strong!

Since long before it's release date in summer of 2012, people have been looking forward to playing Guild Wars 2. Some players were getting tired of other popular MMORPGS like World of Warcraft and SWToR, and looking for something new to play, plus the first Guild Wars game had a big following of it's own. All of that lined up perfectly to create a perfect-storm for a game launch, but would it be enough to keep people playing?


We'll answer that question, we'll talk a little bit about gold for the game, and finally how games like GW2 are actually good for the gaming industry. This all ties in to explain that this game is still going strong!


The answer is YES. People still adore GW2.

At the time of writing this, there are still new players making their way into Guild Wars 2 all the time. After a very popular and very successful beta period, it should be no surprise that people are enjoying this game still.


The reason we're bringing this up is because some new players are wondering whether it's worth getting into GW2 or not at this point, and the answer is yes, absolutely. You might be a bit behind some of the more advanced players, but that's okay because we'll give you some advice for that in a moment.


What If You Don't Have Any Guild Wars 2 gold?

If you're just starting to play GW2 for the first time, you're not going to have a lot of gold yet, but don't worry - you can buy GW2 gold online if you don't want to spend the time finding it for yourself. Also, you can find guides that will teach you how to gather gold more effectively.


Good For The Gaming Industry

The developers of this game are going a great job of supporting it, really doing a lot to earn their monthly membership fees. You can find frequent "State of the Game" podcasts and general discussions with the people who are working on the game along with a giant fanbase who are very proactive when it comes to discussions and just providing a great all-around community for Guild Wars 2 to if you're on the fence about trying it out - don't be! This one is a winner.