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Types of Readings and Prices (Phone readings in US only) (Prices can change)

My name is Lindsay, and I was given a gift and have professionally been reading tarot cards since the age of 18. I was hired by a professional network that no longer exists and was told that I was the youngest person they ever hired into the company.

I am a Pisces, born February 21. I don't specialize in specific readings, for I've had many different questions, vague and detailed, that I've still been able to read with no problems. I use my own spread that includes 10 cards, and have decided to finally bring this gift to people around the world.

First, I would like to tell you a little about the deck so you can fully understand what I'm talking about when referring to the four main 'objects' in the cards.

Pentacles - Pentacles represent 'something of value' to the person who is being read.

Cups - Cups literally represent 'emotions.' It can also represent intuition/psyche and heart

Swords - Swords represent our mind and how we perceive and observe things.

Wands - Wands represent the spiritual us. It also represents creativity/divinity.

I use a spread that looks very much like The Celtic Cross, but I read it differently.


I have also strongly thought about teaching others how to read like I have. I have past professional experience, and would love to teach others how to do this. Can just anyone read cards? The answer to that is no. Cards, more than anything, tell a story, and you have to be intuitive enough to want to learn more and trust yourself and your own judgments. Cards are meant to be read like a book, page by page, rather than card by card. I like to get into the definition of each cards as I tell a story.

A suggestion from me if you want to learn how to read tarot cards: I use the Rider-Waite deck, and suggest that if you're trying to learn to read, to purchase this deck instead of the more 'prettier' ones out there that exist. You will learn much more from this deck if you choose to learn to read. However, it takes a lot of practice, time, and spreads to become more intuitive with the gift that you're trying to learn to have.

This page was just made October, 16, 2008. It is still in the process of being edited and put together, but everything is up and ready to go!

I STRONGLY prefer phone readings considering this is where I feel most comfortable, and I can get closer and make a connection with the person I am reading more. Please consider that before you decide which reading you would like to purchase.

1.) This is for the $5.00 yes or no reading through email.

2.) This is for the $10.00 "Baby Tarot Reading." (I made this specifically for all of the women I know that are trying to conceive or have conceiving/pregnancy/children questions. I know what it's like because I'm currently in the same position myself.) Includes: Gender, One or Multiples, Most fertile month(s), The most likely month you will conceive/find out/give birth in, and possible future children beyond the one being read. Questions? Just ask! My email is at the bottom of the page.

3.) This is for the $15.00 one question reading through email.

4.) This is for the $25.00 two detailed questions through email.

5.) This is for the $30.00 half hour phone reading.

6.) This is for the $40.00 forty-five minute phone reading.

7.) This is for the $50.00 hour phone reading. I will not cut this call short for any reason. If we are in the middle of a question, you will get what you paid for.

*Please allow one day to a week for email readings. ($5 readings will be received sooner.) If you want a phone reading, please email me, and we will find a time that is best for both of us. The half hour phone reading will not just be cut off at thirty minutes. I will try and wrap things up quickly though. With the forty-five minute phone reading, I will do the same. I will not cut the sixty minute phone reading short for any reason whatsoever. Also, if you have any questions, please email me and put something in the subject to let me know what it's about so I can get to you sooner. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS! I cannot just send you your money back if you are unhappy with your reading. I promise to tell you both the good and bad as I see it. Some people don't want to hear the bad, but sometimes the cards turn up that way. I will not lie or cover up things from my clients. You have that promise from me.

*I can do a reading anytime after I receive payment. With an email you will need to provide your name and anything necessary I would need to know that goes along with your question. Specifically your name, age, gender, and date of birth. One last thing, you must be comfortable with giving me your telephone number so I can call you. You will not have to pay anything for long distance!


Tamika 10/29/08 - "Everybody~~I just got a reading (tarot card) from Lindsay! It was so much fun and EVERYTHING she said was true. She told me things about my past that nobody knows! It was so cool. She said I would have girls (possibly 2) yay! She also answered my questions fully! If any of you are thinking of doing it I would def recommend Lindsay! Lindsay ~~ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE READING. YOU DID GIVE ME SOME HOPE FOR SOME THINGS! I also got a reading from **** and she also said I would have 2 girls! YAY I hope all of Lindsay's and ****'s predictions come true! Its nice to have hope anyway!"

Mindy 11/8/08 - Lindsay, Thanks so much for the reading!! It all rings so true and makes sooo much sense! I'm going to try and do another one, with just one more question. You are highly recommended by me. You've truly got a gift!! I'll be on and tell everyone how satisfied I am with my reading. I've been sick with a cold and cough so I haven't been online much. Thanks so much and take care!!!
