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Contemporary Art is one branch of art that is affected by the impact of modernization. Contemporary means contemporary, modern or more precisely something that is the same as the conditions of the same time or at present, so contemporary art is an art that is not bound by the rules of the past and it develops according to the present age, as well as with the latest trends among contemporary artists.

Contemporary painting is a work that thematically reflects the situation of the time being passed. For example, paintings that are no longer tied to Rennaissance. Similarly with the dance, more creative and modern.

The word "contemporary" comes from the words "co" (together) and "tempo" (time). So it emphasizes that contemporary art is a work that thematically reflects the situation of the time being passed. Or the opinion that says that "contemporary art" is art that opposes the traditions of Western modernism.

Contemporary Art is the development of art that is affected by the impact of modernization and is used as a general term since the term Contemporary Art developed in the West as an art product made since World War II.

This term developed in some countries as a variety of techniques and mediums used to produce works of art, also because there has been a mixture of practices of different disciplines, artistic choices, and choices of presentation of works that are not bound by space and time boundaries.

We can find out whether a work is classified as contemporary art or not through several features. The characteristics of contemporary art include:

Not bound by the rules or the grip of ancient art.

Develop according to the times.

There are no barriers between various art disciplines.

The boundaries between painting, sculpture, graphics, bullshit, anarchy, and political action are blurring.

Having passion and "moralistic" lust.

Tend to be sought after by the mass media.

Often used as a commodity discourse.

Ideas are creative ideas in creating work. Ideas in fine arts are the fruit of a circle to create a work of art. The idea to create work will emerge if it is caused by physical and spiritual needs. The uniqueness of the idea of creating contemporary art is always to inspire and create something new.

Creativity in contemporary art has the following characteristics:

Unique (do not have anything in common with other works of art).

Individual (personal or individual).

Universal (intended for all people or the wider community).

Expressive (expression of feeling or outpouring of the soul).

Survival (lasting throughout the ages / eternal).