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Ponderings of a teenage Christian
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are freely redeemed by His grace because God gave his only begotten son for our sins, so that he may be sin for us, so that all who believed on Him may be saved. IF you believe then you are no longer a slave to sin, but a worker with God, and a servant to righteousness, working to gain your reward, a place with Him in heaven when the son of man comes in his glory, for he died for our reconciation and justification and was raised again so we may live as he did with the holy spirit as our guide. Therefore do not carry on sinning because if you do you are not producing fruit in keeping with repentance and every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire, however we have Jesus to speak in our defense so if we do sin, but later repent, we are still saved, because on that cross, Jesus bore your sins, so that the righteous may
live by faith in God, not under the law, but under the seperate law of Grace.

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remote Posted by flametron at 10:06 PM BST
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Sunday, 24 August 2008
Topic: Christianity

The Church. Jesus said his church would always exist, and to an exent it does, but now only in a few isolated people, spread abroad in the globe. The church has split into three groups, something the early church condemned. We have the Catholic church which almost idolises the mother of Christ and sets up a 'pope' which letterally translates as 'in place of Christ'. This is obviosly not the true church. We have the eastern orthodox, which claim to be the old apostolic church, but are set in traditions something which was never meant to be. This cannot be the true church. And we hve protenstantism, meant to eliminate the dead formalism, but eliminating instead the any coherence and unison, as the church now falls apart under the strain of it's many different cults and sub sectons. How sad, yet at the same time, it is a sign of the times. For 42 months the two witnesses of revelation prophesied. Let us think for a second, a month is 30.4 days. (365/12) If we multiply this by 42 we get 1276.8 days. Humour me for a moment, what if the witnesses are not people, but churchs, seens how Christ appointed the church to go and be witnesses to the people. Presume the true church is one witness, how about this, the Jews are another. They have all been into the wilderness of the nations and have taken their traditions with them. So if this is the case  then they must have been going for more than 1276.8 days. How about we substitute a day for a year. Thats a lot more easy to fit. The church could worship in Jerusalem for as long they wanted until the dome on the rock was built. So if we count forward from the day that was built 1276..8 years, when do we come to? I'll tell you, 1957. The year Jerusalem was given back to the Jews. How AWESOME is that. If that's not the correct interpretation it's a pretty cool coincidence...

So the true church can now return to Jerusalem to worship if they wish, but they haven't. Why? Because of course, the witnesses were only to witness for 42 months, no longer. After that the church, the organisations, fall apart. As we can see now this prophey bing fulfilled, we are in the end times, many turning away  and falling into sin, as prophesised. Yes it may be a bit lonely being one of the few followers of Christ, He reminds us that he is with us always to the very end of the age and if that is so, we are confident that nothing can part us from the love of God that is in Jesus. We are forgiven through grace, as a gift, not for any merit on our part, and the people who follow the word, in spirit and truth, are scattered as seed amongst the weeds of this world, to testify to what has been revealed to them, so that some may be sculpted into the olive tree of God, from the wild olive tree, so that some may turn and live. That is why i am here, testifying to the love that he has shown to us, boldly and proudly standing in His love.

Posted by flametron at 9:19 PM BST
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Saturday, 23 August 2008
How wonderful is God
Mood:  happy
Topic: Christianity

Love. That one little word, what does it mean? Does it mean physical attraction? No. Does it mean understanding somebody's needs and wanting to fulfil them? No. Only God understands love, and those to whom he chooses to reveal it because 'God Is Love'. So what's his definition?

'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.'

So true of God, the God who always forgives, and has mercy and gives even when it kills him, he has redeemed us, he needs nothing, but he loves us, so he brought us to him. How awesome is he?!?


Posted by flametron at 10:06 PM BST
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