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Kent Gošorš
Friday, 21 August 2009

Topic: Winterfinding 2009

I can't believe the seasons are passing by so quickly, Winterfinding is now only eight weeks away.

It saddens me to think back upon the March 28th event held earlier this year, and how small the turnout was. Because the hall rental is costly and the group size is small, I am considering holding this event elsewhere.

I just like the Smith shelter so well. And, I would like to see our Norse community grow into a hall so large. Plus, I'd hate to lose that great fireplace we have there.

Please comment with ideas on how we should proceed with this question.

Posted by fjordhammer at 6:14 PM EDT
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Tomorrow I will compete in my final strength challenge of the year, and I am glad of it. I feel a little worn out after having spent the spring and summer traveling and hefting about stones and steel. The hardest part has been staying in peak physical condition for an extended period; although my muscles always recover quickly, my nerves are feeling exhausted. At least I've slept in a bed each night, and not on the deck of a longship.

Posted by fjordhammer at 5:54 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 August 2009 6:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 June 2009

I just wanted to check in and tell you all that I'm still here. We have been in the thick of the strongman events for a few months now, and I've been devoting all my time to that. This is, after all, the season our ancestors would go abroad and a-viking!

Posted by fjordhammer at 8:42 AM EDT
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Saturday, 18 April 2009
Informal Rune Study Group
Topic: Runes

Hail True Folk!

I invite you to join me at the Kent Starshmucks coffeehouse this coming Thursday, April 23rd, at 8PM for a Kaffee mit Milch und Rune discussion. There is no agenda and no pretense, just a few Berserkers getting together.

Bring your Runes; I'll see you then!

Posted by fjordhammer at 6:42 PM EDT
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Monday, 30 March 2009
Thanks to those who attended
Topic: March 28th Event
Thank you to those who helped with the preparations and clean-up of the shelterhouse on Saturday. Thank you also to all who attended, the energy you added made the rituals all that more special. I am looking forward to some summer gathering to be held outdoors. Also, the hall is booked for Winterfinding in October. Keep stopping by, because new information will be coming.

Posted by fjordhammer at 9:52 AM EDT
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Saturday, 21 March 2009
Directions to the Roy H. Smith shelterhouse
Topic: Hail! Folk and Friends

The Great Hall, or Roy H. Smith Shelterhouse, is on Middlebury Road in Kent. The best way to get there is from St. Rt. 59. Using MapQuest will yield good results for you. The shelter is about the third structure on your left after you have turned from 59 onto Middlebury.

 There is one huge thing to be aware of! The other end of Middlebury Rd. connects with St. Rt. 261. YOU CAN NOT GO THIS WAY! There is a bridge out making the road impassable. This sucks because it is the shortest route from Akron.

Middlebury lies East of the Kent car strip (bunch of dealerships on 59) and West of Downtown (where the bars are). You must head South on Middlebury from 59.

Posted by fjordhammer at 3:15 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 30 March 2009 9:49 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Topic: Hail! Folk and Friends

Dearest Folk and Friends, Hail to Thee!

I am reaching out to you who hear the striking of Mjollnir in every thunderclap! I am calling out to those who also hear the call of our viking ancestors--those who hear the ringing of fire-brands upon foemen and the rolling of waves against our sea-steeds. To those who thirst for a draft from Mimir's well, I extend a brimming horn. You who feel the burning of the Runes as they strive to break free from the unconscious I invite to sit in my hall.

Come together, children of the Aesir! Our folk crossed the Atlantic from lands around the North Sea to settle here in Vinland. It was the loss of the old folkish ways that caused the first Icelandic settlements on this continent to fail. The imposed kristjun faith did not teach them to live in harmony with the land wights as the Native Americans did. The Norse Heathens who settled Iceland found a realm of magik and elves, trolls and spirits. They succeeded by the grace of the Gods!

Now is the time to band together as a strong community. We shall not be crushed by the modern day trolls. This Goðorð which lies along the Cuyahoga river in Vinland shall sleep safe in the shadow of Thor, Midgarð's protector. It shall grow as it drinks from the bosom of Frigga. The land will prosper with the blessings of Njorð's twin children. The master of ravens and wolves will cast mighty Grungnir over the heads of our enemies, and we shall stand strong!

Rally together, folk of the North! My blessings be with you!

-Goði Fjordhammer

Posted by fjordhammer at 1:33 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 4:06 PM EDT
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Galdur demonstration
Topic: Galdur
I would like to explain how to perform this technique to my readers, but it seems like a tough task to put solely into written words. (Let me try to instruct you in the art of becoming a concert violinist without any actual demonstration while we're at it. See, it just wouldn't work.) Thus for now, I invite those seeking this knowledge to attend the 9PM ceremony on March 28th. I will be practicing galdur technique in the casting of a runic circle. See you then!

Posted by fjordhammer at 1:02 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 1:21 PM EDT
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Monday, 2 February 2009
What is Galdur?
Topic: Galdur

There were two words for sorcery in Old Icelandic, seiður and galdur, both from roots meaning song or chant. Seiður is the magik that was first taught by Our Lady of the Vanir, Freyja, to Allfather Oðinn, and is shamanic in nature. Sound, such as singing or drumming, is used to aid the transition to an "out of body" state in seiður practice.

Galdur is the use of sound to raise magikal energy. Through the energy of sound-waves, you are drawing energy out of yourself, and allowing it to eminate into the nine worlds.

The Runes exist not only visually, but aurally as well. Each has a phonetic name, and their particular energies can be invoked through the galdur practice of intoning these sounds.

Posted by fjordhammer at 6:54 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 1:00 PM EDT
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Topic: Runes

This entry is for the person new to Runes.

We as runeworkers refer to the set of 24 Runes found carved on numerous ancient stones spread through Northern Europe as the Elder Fuþark. These Runes always follow an unchanging sequence (with only one exception--the last two are at times transposed) like an alphabet. Futhark, or more exactly F U Th A R K, are the first six Runes of the sequence as spelled out in their English phonetic equivalents. I will often use the Old Norse/Icelandic letter "þ" instead of "th."

 There are a few other rune-rows with more or less than 24 Runes, such as the Younger Futhark, the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, and the Armanen Futhark, but I will always be discussing Runes as they appear in the Elder Futhark. I don't recommend working with the other rows.

Because I use the term Fuþark on this blog, I want to be certain not to confuse anyone.

Posted by fjordhammer at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 2 February 2009 5:23 PM EST
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