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How to Find Good Intermittent Fasting Tips

Give the body an opportunity to cleanse itself and purge itself of unwanted and unnecessary extras. Do not fast for extended periods or too often. Once or twice per week is more than enough and try to take at least two full days between fasts. By IF not only you will loose weight, your body will really thank you for reducing your food intake. It seems that when you starve your body it switches to a repair and renewal mode that heals and regenerates cells. It contain scientific experiment that person who uses this method live 40 percent longer then other eating pattern.

Here are some tips for fasting (looking for the ultimate intermittent fasting program out there? You should definitely check out Eat Stop Eat review for the ultimate guide) Understand the need of your body: although IF is good method for loosing weight but it is not advisory for every one. Firstly understand the need of your body then go for fast.

Start slowly

Try a gentle introductory fast of eight to ten hours. You can do this by simply skipping lunch and snacks one day. Eat a normal breakfast and supper and nothing else for the day.

And repeat this primarily fast practice for some days, and when you get use to off skipping food and feel no hunger then start 2nd fasting practice that is eat on the gap of 16 to 8 hour. this regular practice will help your body to adopts this eating pattern easily without hunger feeling.

Then the last when your body  get used to of this patter of 16 to 8 gaping you can start your regress fasting practice i.e. one day gap and eat another starting practice you can drink some juice in fasting day which helps you to be energetic .and once your body become used to this fasting you can have fast and start this IF program easily without having any food craving problem During fasting Try, wherever possible, to limit your fluids to water and herbal teas. These can keep you hydrated without compromising your fast.

Give time to this (visit this review on Eat Stop Eat): there is no rush to adopt this program, just give time to your body and understand its requirement .don’t push your body so hard unnecessary for fasting it can be harmful. Start slowly, simply and gradually. Don’t fast so often and so long, it can be harmful for your body and unhealthy too.

Don’t give so much physical stress to your body. Don’t exercise so much or excessive. If you are doing over exercising or not getting enough sleep you are giving your body lots of physical stress. This is not advisable if you are taking lots of supplement, legal or otherwise, to kill your appetite so you can make it through your fasts.

Tips to End your fast

Eat good quality of food: What you do eat is as important as what you don’t. Eat the nutritious, good food in the right amount. Having a meal with lots of carbohydrates, particularly pasta and rice, is not good for your IF program eat only nutritious fiber food; eat whole grain instead of refined one. Having nutritious food will help your body during fasting period for staying healthy and energetic.

At the end of your fast, resume eating as you would normally. Don’t go to an ‘all you can eat’ buffet or have any special treats for completing the fast. Return to normal programming. At the end of your fast, resume eating as you would normally. Don’t eat everything to think that you had fast whole day.