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-CrossFit level 1 Trainer

-Peer Fitness Counselor for Newport News Fire Department

- CPR/ACLS/EMT Certified

Fitness and athletics have been a major component of my life. I grew up with my grandfather, a minor league baseball player for the New York Yankees, and my uncle who was a state wrestling champ. However, it wasn’t until I was stationed in Kuwait, through the Air Force, that weightlifting became a passion, and I won the Ali Al Salem Kuwait Bench Press Contest.


I wasn’t like the other gym rats though.  Growing up I was the fat kid in school so through my adult years I would put on weight very fast.  I was 256 lbs when I found a crossfit gym. It looked really different and cool and thought I would give it a try. I was hooked from the start.


Crossfit is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology that promotes broad and general overall physical fitness.  CrossFit combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics. CrossFit says that proficiency is required in each of ten fitness domains: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy.

I made more gains and improvements in my level of fitness in my first year of crossfit than I have in the last 15 years of working out.  I went all the way down to 181lbs for the last 2 years and right now I am in the best shape of my life at 33.  I believe crossfit is for everyone: firefighters, law enforcement, housewives, businessmen and doctors.   I believe and teach the zone diet to help maximize one’s potential.  I believe one can push themselves to limits they never thought possible.

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