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Philippine dishes has been largely changed by the Malay, Chinese, Spanish and American customs in the earliest days of Philippine chronicle. Before the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, the country's cuisine consisted of root crops, vegetables and seafood. Philippine dishes was almost always boiled, steamed, grilled or roasted.

There are many Philippine dishes which are being prepared in the Philippines, simple to cook and always a pleasure to serve and eat in the table, like the Philippine dishes today, its dishes is a gastronomic feast from different countries and cultures because foreign trade brought in all kinds of spices and plants to the Philippines.

Traditional Philippine dishes consist mostly of vegetables, seafood, poultry, fish, meat, and rice. All of the provinces within the Philippines boast their unique types of foods and cooking style. Regional cuisines such as Ilocano, Pampanga, and Tagalog, Visayan and other regional Philippine dishes can be combined in creative ways for interesting meal plans.

Among these Filipino recipes  are: Pork and Chicken Adobo which is pork or chicken meat or perhaps both, are boiled with vinegar, garlic, and soy sauce. It's a very popular meal in the Philippines and folks from across the world really like the pleasant flavor of this local dish. Tinolang Manok or Nilagang Manok is ginger and onion based soup with chicken as the usual main ingredient. Bulalo is a Philippine soup dish which is made out of beef leg bones with marrow boiled for really long hours. Kilawin food is also popular in the Philippine island and this include ingredients which are combined and marinated along with kalamansi or perhaps vinegar with salt, garlic, pepper and onions. Another food is the Pinakbet which is a combination of various vegetables including eggplants, okra, sweet potato, tomatoes, ampalaya, string beans and many more.

If you visit the Philippine island, it is very normal to find the same kind of food that has a slightly different taste than if you eat them from different regions. A food can be very salty from one province, oily from another province and super spicy hot from another. In Bicol region, coconut cream and chili peppers are the two staple ingredients. Coconut which is abundant in the region can be picked from the backyard and grated manually before squeezing the coconut cream. Every home grows a sili bush which people simply pluck and added to the daily meal. Some would even eat them raw! Meat and vegetable dishes are commonly cooked in coconut cream and spiced with chili. Laing is a famous Bicolano food, is made from shredded taro leaves, meat or seafood crumbs, and a variety of spices, wrapped in whole taro leaves. It is slowly cooked in gata (cocomilk). In Ilocos region, the famous food is pinakbet. It is a combination of vegetables like okra, squash, bitter gourd (ampalaya), eggplant, and string beans cooked in ¬bagoong (shrimp paste). In Pampanga, their food consist of meat and seafood preserves specialty like crabs, milkfish, and shellfish fermented in buro or rice sauce giving it a strong, smoky flavor. Come and visit the Philippine island and enjoy the various Philippine delicacies.