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The market for physical video games continues to decline: both the number of pieces sold in turnover, the downward trend continued last year. In 2009 turnover amounted to € 221.08 million for 6.87 million units sold. In 2012 the turnover was more than EUR 198 070 000 to 5.93 million units sold. Sales of console games down 10%


The turnover of nearly 200 million euros in physical video games can be subdivided as follows: EUR 22.50 million in Fifa 13 Coins PC games and € 175.58 million in console games. While the number of total sales for the first segment decreased by only 4% compared to 2011, the decline in the console segment is 10%.


According to the industry organization BEA (Belgian Entertainment Association), this decline is not necessarily due to a declining interest in video games, but rather a smaller supply, the increase in downloads and successful games online.


Divergence between the market consoles and Fifa Coins PC


The 2012 figures also reveal a discrepancy between the best-selling consoles and PC games. A difference explained by the fact that four out of five games sold are intended only for consoles. In the category of console games Fifa 13, Call of Duty and Just Dance 4 occupies the top three sales, for computer games it is Diablo 3, World of Warcraft and Battlefield 3.


The console games also seem more appropriate for all age groups, whereas for Fifa Coins XBOX games, often with action scenes, an age limit is often applied.