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What is the Best Natural Treatment for Fibromyalgia?

The first question you need to be able to answer is - What is Fibromyalgia

One of the main symptoms for fibromyalgia is a sharp pain in your muscles, usually in your back but it can happen in various parts of the body as well. Furthermore, once a fibromyalgia episode occurs, the areas affected are very sensitive to touch and can cause great pain when under little pressure

Even after years of research, the actual cause of fibromyalgia is still not determined. There are some doctors who refer to autoimmune disorder for the cause of fibromyalgia although this is not proven. With that said there is a consensus among medical practitioners that there is significant relation between the irregularities of the hormone levels in the body and fibromyalgia patients. This results in an increase number of neurotransmitters in the body that carries the pain signal which results in the person's acute sensitivity to pain

What are the causes of fibromyalgia?

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you know the pain comes randomly. However, it can usually be triggered when you are under stress, sick or going through some trauma. This leads to a small conclusion that prolonged exposure to negative emotions such as stress, tension, mental problems and general fatigue can be a factor to fibromyalgia

So how does one treat fibromyalgia? Since doctors are unable to determine the actual cause of fibromyalgia, this makes finding the right fibromyalgia treatment even harder too. Although you can use drugs and medication to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia for example pain, depression and muscle ache, there are currently no permanent cure for fibromyalgia

Due to fibromyalgia being a chronic disease, you need to look for other ways to decrease its symptoms

The basic thing you can do is to exercise and move around often. These activities although seem to bring more harm than good, would eventually give you strength and discipline to control your pain and enforce your muscles. However, you need to bear in mind to start small and work your way up. Never jump into strenuous exercises from the get go as you will feel great pain upon doing so

Secondly, get as much sleep as you can. It is understandable that the pain can keep you up at night but try to have at least 8 hours of sleep per night with medication if required. Sleep is as important as ever in this case as your body requires as much rest and energy to recover from the pain

Keep your weight in check. Although there is no solid proof, there are studies that show that obesity and fibromyalgia are related. Do not be a stress eater but maintain a healthy diet as this will reduce stress on your body which can in turn improve your overall health too