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Dragon World

Welcome to Dragon World! 

Dragons: These awesome mythical creatures can breathe fire and fly. In China, the Dragon is a kind beast that taught them useful knowledge, such as reading and writing. In other places, it is a terrible monster, feared for terrorizing towns and carrying away people. Only the bravest (or the most foolish) would set out to try to slay the terrible beast.

About Dragons

All dragons are alike, yet different. They all have the same diamond hard scales, bat-like wings for flying, teeth as long and sharp as daggers, claws that can cut through metal, and fiery breath.

Dragons come in a variety of colors, mostly green, black, blue, red, white, gold and silver. Each of the colors represents a different thing. For instance, blue and silver would be ice. Red would be fire and gold is wisdom. Green is a little bit of everything.

Dragon Lore

Throughout our history, there have been legends of knights and heroes who have fought and killed fierce dragons. Not all Dragons are dangerous, but some are...

The Gold Dragon
Cadmis was a great hero in Greek mythology. He was the son of the king of Phoenicea. A gold fire-breathing dragon killed two of his friends. Cadmus finally slew the monstrous dragon after a fierce struggle. A voice told him to plant the dragon’s teeth. He did so, and from each tooth sprung a warrior. Cadmus now had a great army, and with their help built the great city of Thebes.

Sigurd and Fafnir
In Norse and German legends, Sigurd, known also as Siegfried, was a hero. Fafnir was a dragon that hoarded it's treasure in a cave. Sigurd killed Fafnir for the gold. After the dragon was killed, Sigurd absently licked his fingers. Amazingly, he could now understand the birds. The birds told him to eat the dragon's heart because it would give him great wisdom.

Quetzalcoatl, the Dragon God
This dragon was a hero himself. The earlier people of Mexico had legends of a winged, feathered serpent called Quetzalcoatl. He was a wise leader, and helped the people in many ways, including inventing the calendar and books. At last, though, he was defeated by the god of the night sky, Tezcatipoca, and sailed off into the east.



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