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WoW Fan Fiction

What Pet?

Stinkin' Rats-holes

Premade Pages

Miscellaneous Articles

Mocacru Cult Club

Boring Blog

On DeviantART

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
None of this is important. Ever.

So I'm learning disabled css. You like?

This site consists of... lots of junk. It's mostly WoW fan fiction, which is what it was initially designed for, but of course I like to break the web rules and make ugly things happen, so there are plenty of unrelated things just floating around. It keeps my busy.

In case you knew the site back when it was yellow, hehe, there are some stories missing, I know. I'm working on it. I'm just lazy. They'll pop up at random, between the new stories and the other crap I get up to. Anyway, enjoy. Please take your trash when you leave.

And respect your elders. Because they made you and they can destroy you.


This is my friend doing something:

io9doodletime on Broadcast Live Free

11.14: Re-posted several of the original stories that were never hosted off site. A few have adult warnings.

11.07: Been screwing around in the background on and off. The story pages have been altered to make it even easier on the eyes. As an avid reader and intense face-maker, I get eye-pain.

10.12: Nothing has been deleted. I'm just taking stuff off the main menu to drop it into Misc (whenever that gets done rofl). The art section has, sadly, not been updated yet. I had a computer explosion and have yet to install photoshop -_-. Wrote a new story, though!!! It's in the fan fiction section. Warning: Sexual intercourse happens in this story. It's seriously not a children's story. No severe hardcore porn, in my opinion, but I guess that's a little subjective. I can guarantee it isn't illegal in any states, though. Well, almost guarantee. Working on several other stories at once. We'll see what the hell gets finished. I have one visitor. AND I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. (lawl hi Kim! I'm drawing you a picture!)

10.04: Ok I started posting peoples' art finally. I only got up a few of the pictures and once they're up I've decided to reverse the order so updates will be up top, because I realized after the fact that that makes sense. Oops! These seriously keep me going.

10.02: Chinchilla

10.01:A couple articles on abuse.

09.28: I made a favicon. That's the little thing at the top of your browser. Should be in the area of the website tab. Give me a break it's 16x16 pixels! lol. So there. Incentive to totally fave this site and visit it all day long... I need something besides a burger. Everything I draw is too detailed when I zoom back out.

09.25: This page is validated xhtml now. And the world's smallest bug is crawling across my laptop screen. Not that you care about either. Now to do the other pages... Oh, and a hamster article exists.

09.21: "What Pet?" Is up. With only like two articles >< You mad, bro?

Me Are Currently Under Failstruction

this is my dog.

Wanna know the original story of this website? No?! ... GOOD!

Once upon a time, a while back, I decided to make yet another website. I used to have one for my old "erotica of the furry persuasion" hobby, but several deleted sites and switched emails later er... I digress. So I bought a domain name, pulled out the old Photoshop Creative Suite; and nearly died. The fucking thing borked. Adobe borked and said my code was invalid after I had used it before on the computer my my ex-husband had given me for my birthday; but had taken back when I left. So now my new pc had no pshop!

Between Adobe and their bullshit customer service and the BBB, waiting was taking months instead of the couple weeks I anticipated (and days I'd prayed), so I started making a site anyway. With my none-too-1337 html skills, notepad, screen-shots, and ms paint... It was exactly what I made it! Which was a piece of shit :D

Give me a break! I made it for the sole purpose of posting my fan fictions. My WoW troll fan fictions. Because WoW trolls are the sex! And then it sucked.....
So I gotta redo the whole thing.

The rest is there. I just hid it from you because I'm a motherfucker. I haven't recently been writing the fanfics for which I named it "". Dumb, right? Well, I've been writing junk on and off since I was a little kid. So I know it'll come back, but I'm just not into writing or completing any of it at the moment. Don't spazz, they'll be up here. But the site will have more. It'll be more like uh... me. Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNN! (meaning random with little emphasis on sense-making and continuity and anti-redundancy and no-repetitivenessy)


This is Mocacru.

Mon Capiton Crunch!

Mocacru does not like people who make the copy pasta from other people's sites!