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Hospitality's New Avatar - Facebook Tourism 


Move with the times they say, and if you're in the hotel and tourism business, then it's all the more important for you to do so; Facebook tourism offers a great way for you to boost your business. Why use Facebook travel? This is simply because; you need to be at the right place, at the right time, to secure a maximum number of clients and customers. After all, as we all know, it is the number of bookings that you receive which will make or break your business.

Why Facebook?

Facebook boasts of 200 million users and the number is growing every minute. Does one need more reason to use Facebook as a platform to promote their hotel or their travel agency? With that kind of traffic everyday, you can become a millionaire pretty soon!

Facebook travel apps and apps Facebook hotel are two tools that everyone in the tourism industry should be comfortable with. It is undoubtedly a great way to generate publicity and gain exposure, but if you can include a booking feature on your page, then it gets even better.

Facebook tourism is a very, very important branding tool in today's day and age and if you want to get noticed by search engines then sites like Facebook and Twitter offers you a fun way of doing so. In fact, if you don't have a Facebook page, it's synonymous to you not having email and in today's day and age, that's actually suicidal.

If you have a Facebook page for your hotel, you can showcase it in the best way that you can think of. Moreover, since Facebook is so interactive, you can make it a fun experience for potential customers to visit your Facebook page. Pictures and images on Facebook is the way to get noticed these days. Just ask the young crowd and you'll see what I mean.

How to Use Facebook

So what's the best way to use Facebook?

• Make sure your Facebook link is displayed very prominently on your business card, is a part of your email signature and is readily accessible from your website. 

• Make sure that as many people as you know become Facebook fans of the site. 

• At the same time, you can also become a Facebook fan of pages which are, in a way, related to your Facebook page, they might just link right back to you, so it's a symbiotic relationship. 

• Be a part of Facebook discussions and groups, especially those which are travel related.

That's the magic of Facebook, you have the world at your fingertips and it is very rewarding, if you choose to use Facebook Tourism to its full potential. But, you can always outsource this to like we have, because it is a task which demands a lot of time and might take its toll on other aspects of your business. But don't neglect Facebook Travel; it is the future of the tourism industry.