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It’s a fact: Pictures that are structured and more professional get likes on Instagram. The network is dominated by visually pleasing pics and videos, and that means to compete you’ll have to bring your A game to the table. That starts with your equipment. While smartphones are getting better, nothing takes the place of a true camera. Thankfully, a number of excellent models and packages are now available to fuel your followers’ content craving, and suss out the real followers for Instagram.

Spending hundreds of dollars can be a tough pill to swallow, but you’ll also be building a skill that could come in handy in your day job or personal life. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and there’s no such thing as free Instagram followers either!

“I used to take all my pics with a iPhone, which was awesome to start. But I got to a level maybe at 20k followers where things were really slowing down. I bought a  to up my photo game. The difference was instant and I was getting more likes than ever. Now my account is over 65k and growing faster than ever before, so can’t recommend upgrading equipment enough.” – Anonymous Instagram Influencer.

Ready to take advantage of one of the most closely-guarded secrets of top Instagrammers? People who get the most likes have a pod – or group of Instagram friends that mutually agree to help each other out. So how do you get started? First, reach out to like-minded friends (or even strangers you follow) to let them know you are starting a group to get free Instagram followers. Assemble the team in a chat app like WhatsApp to alert each other when you post. Members of the group should all agree to like and comment on each others’ content the moment it hits Instagram. Not only will you show Instagram’s algorithm that your content is trending, but you’ll also build valuable relationships with other people too.

Instagram loves specialized content that can’t be found elsewhere. So what’s your special area of focus? You should pick something that you Free Instagram Followers are passionate about and that photographs well. Using high-contrast imagery featuring idyllic or perfectly constructed images will get followers’ attention, and be more likely to net you entirely new followers. Instagram can still be organic in nature, so to get real followers for Instagram you have to play by the algorithm’s rules. More stunning images will get faster likes and comments, which will also accelerate your account growth. Niche or very specific hashtags can also have a big impact on your follower count.