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Do Things THROUGH Me, not for Me.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Left in the Pit
Topic: Chapter 2

As we flew into the darkness there was an overly excited feeling of being awake.  Not like you would be just waking from sleep, but a realizing that every thing in the earth and heavens are connected.  The only way to describe this feeling is being truly alive.  Then as quick as this whole experience began it came to an end.  The being of calm and peace placed me down.  As I looked around trying to see where I was, I noticed that the being flew straight up and out. 

He left me in a dark place.  The ground was hard, the walls looked as if it were a cave.  Somehow I just knew it was below the earth.  I wondered only for a second why I was left there when I heard screaming.  This overwhelming feeling that I had to get to those screams welt up in my body. I jumped to my feet and started down the pathway when I seen an opening on the right side.  It had a faint like coming out from it.  the only light in the whole cave.  As I abruptly started to run for the opening I seen a large beast barrel out.  He, at that moment, noticed me and started to attack.  As I seen this 10 foot beast with dark rock like skin, I thought to myself, "shouldn't I be afraid?"   The head was at least 3 times larger than a human.  There was no hair and the eyes were nothing but black death.  I didn't think much about Him and I didn't stop.  As I ran forward I just looked at this creature with no fear and put my hand forth.  As I was coming close to him there was an pen nitrating feeling of power that flowed through me.  I just knew this power was the strongest on earth and even under the earth.  I had nothing to fear.  The beast flew back against the side of the cave with an enormous force.  I didn't stop.  The screams were getting louder.  Everything in my body was pulling me to the screams.  I ran down the pathway to wards the light.  I could see the end of the pathway led out to a flaming sea.  There were more of those large beast everywhere.  As I ran out of the opening, I thought, " When they see me, they will surely come after me."  But I didn't stop. I just kept going forward as if something else was actually controlling me.

The screams.  This is where they came from.  Only one beast tried to confront me with no avail.  My arm swooped up at him and he went flying away.  Smashing to the side of this humongous cave. As I looked around I in one moment knew what I was to do in this place.  All I could see is a pit full of fire.  I couldn't see any people inside but I was still hearing those horrible screams.  Running the length of the pit, I put my arm out over the fire.  A brighter light than the fire shown forth from my extended arm.  In one powerful swoop there were about 20 people flying out of the fiery pit.  They hit the side of the cave and fell to the floor. 

I slowed down as I approached them.  There were men and women, young and old, and they all had somethings in common.  There clothes were tattered with holes and they even had shoes on.  I couldn't help but wonder how they could even be dressed in that fire which up on earth would have disintegrated in seconds. Everyone looked as if they had every bit of essence taken out of them.  They were shriveled with their bones revealed.  It looked to me as if they had only a half inch of skin on their bones. 

Without a thought of what I should do my body went into motion.  I lifted up my right arm and ran down in front of every person.  That same brilliant light shown out from my extended arch and a voice that I heard inside penetrated out saying, "Know Jesus" "know Jesus" "Know Jesus".  This message went forth among all the people that were dying at the foot of that cave wall.  When I got to the end I turned and looked.  What I seen was amazing.  The people all stood up straight and looked strong.  Their clothes went right back to perfection.  I could tell that Strength came back into their bodies.

I seen every person go running and fighting the large beast.  But the difference was that these people did it with a vengeance.  They each had a brilliant light and seemed to know how to use it.  I stood and looked not quite sure what I should do.  It was the first time during this experience that there didn't seem to be something else controlling my actions.  So as I watched, My, being of calm and peacefulness, appeared in front of me. 

"You have done your job well.  You did it THROUGH Jesus and He is pleased."

He put his arms around me and we started going up and out.  I looked back and saw those people fighting the fight.

Brilliant Warriors of the Lords.

Posted by expressiongodsway at 11:31 PM
Updated: Sunday, 10 January 2010 4:04 AM
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Short Story (Jesus Says,
Topic: Chapter 1

Jesus Says

As she sits in front of the T.V., completely engulfed in her movie, a strange feeling comes over her.  Janet is aware of a presence that is coming from another place, another realm, if you will.  She has felt this feeling in the past and recognizes this feeling as the Lords presence.  Janet doesn't understand why He would be speaking to her right at this moment.  With her show in climax, the ever so quit voice within her heart said, " Do things through Me, Not for Me."  Janet's mind wonders why the Lord would be saying this thing to her.  Ex specially, at this moment when Jack Bower was just about to catch the terrorist.  Have you ever tried to keep your mind in two places at one time.  Janet repeated this phrase many times out load so she would not forget it.  Making a mental note to ask the Lord about it later. She finishes watching her T.V. series.

Janet walks into Her room to go to bed.  I am so glad that Jack has saved America for one more week.  I often wonder if this series on T.v. is in any way accurate to what truly goes on in the government.  I shore hope not. Janet gets dressed and snuggles into bed.

Dear Jesus, Forgive me of my sins.  Dear Father, thank you for your glory and keep your eyes looking down upon my family and Thank you, Holy Spirit, for you Justification.

Janet closes her eyes and her mind goes back to the phrase that Jesus had given her earlier. "Do things Through Me, not for Me."  As her mind repeats this phrase over and over, again.  Janet feels her body go into a calm vibration. Out of the blue there was a being at the side of the bed looking at me. I could feel that this being  was not flesh and blood and it was full of calm and peacefulness. I noticed that my mind had started to separate between two awarenesses.  The first is my body lying on the bed in a very calm state.  The second is that I was aware of another world that is hidden from the naked eye. A world that was vast with light and darkness, good and evil.  As a few seconds went by, The first awareness seemed to dissipate into the back of my mind. The Second completely filled the void and engulfed my mind as to my actual state.  The being full of calm and peace stretched out his arms and put them under me and lifted me up.  As I looked down I seen my body still lying on the bed.  The vibration inside my body felt like a natural state.  I turned and looked at this being and felt nothing but trust. 



Posted by expressiongodsway at 8:24 PM
Updated: Saturday, 9 January 2010 11:04 PM
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