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Expand-A-Lung® The #1 Breathing Exercise Device  

There are many breathing exercise devices used by hundreds of elite athletes for sports performance and by other users for health and fitness. Some of these devices are invented to increase strength of the respiratory muscles. Numerous clinical trials have found that these devices can increase endurance and VO2max (maximum oxygen absorption during most intensive exercise), improve lung function tests (VEF, PEF, FVC, and VEmax), lower heart rate for the same load, reduce medication (drugs) and symptoms, improve quality of life scores and lead to other beneficial health effects.  LOOK NO FURTHER!!!

The Expand-A-Lung®  Breathing Exercise Device is the breakthrough product for improving endurance through better breathing and lung function.  Research supports that this type of inspiratory/expiratory breathing exercise device  improves the strength of the respiratory muscles, and increases the volume of lung oxygen intake. The end result is deeper, easier and better lung function for  a more relaxed and superior endurance performance and breath hold capacity.   The Expand-A-Lung®  Breathing Exercise Device is the #1 choice of top athletes because of its compact, portable and effective design as well as the simple 10-15 minute work-outs.  It’s also the best value at $32, including shipping.  A 5 year warranty is included. (Made in USA)

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