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Welcome everyone to Dark Bayou. This room takes place in the Lousiana swamp, near New Orleans. This is not your ordinary role play room but is a White Wolf/free form room and the time frame is modern times ---- This is NOT a BDSM or Gor room . We do not have Masters, Mistresses, Subs, or Slaves ... if that is the kind of room you are looking please look elsewhere, but if you want to play with vampires, lycans, demons, ghosts, angels or a voodoo priestess and the like .. this is the place for you so come on in and take a seat and enjoy .. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE PAGE IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE

  1. All new members, MUST post a Character Sheet on the boards. A new player will be given two (2) visits to the room to r/p a human character with no powers to check out the room to see if they like it. On the third (3) visit a CS will be posted on the boards and by the fourth (4) visit the player must have an approved CS on the board and then will be able to play their character to its fullest extent.

  2. Avatar size limit for the site is 400 pixels tall by 550 pixels wide.

  3. Please keep OOC to a minimum, unless it deals with the whole room. IF there is active r/p going on .. the only OOC allowed is a simple greeting to new arrivals. Other then that ... take it to PM. Leave your RT drama at the door.

  4. There is no force posting, if you force post then it will not count plain and simple.

  5. No child porn!!!!!, This is grounds for immediate removal, as well as notification of MOD's, Site Admin and All Authorites.

  6. Until the age of 18 all children shall be NPC's.

  7. There are no Kills and Captures unless either agreed by both people or you have a CS on the boards and approved.

  8. All site rules apply in Dark Bayou

  9. Make sure and choose a name before you enter you will asked once and then be booted

  10. The Room Leader's Word is The Law! What He/She says Goes. Complaints?? Take it to the Room Owner/Controller first and if it can't be straightened out it will go to a combined council meeting for resolution.

  11. By entering Dark Bayou you agree to these rules. Failure to comply with any of the rules and terms WILL Be Booted from the room.