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Sara's Home Page

Welcome to what I'd like to call the Artists' Citadel! Or just chaotic corner! Art can refer to more than merely painting or drawing, but various activities, hobbies, jobs and delights such as music, writing, photography, fashion design, and so much more! In this website you'll find some artists (mainly in the fine art category) that I find inspirational and random collections of drawings and fanart from various people. Any artistic work done with passion is the absolute best! A particular aspect of art I enjoy is fantasy art, which you'll see in the links beneath the image (the image is from the computer game Ark Lineage). The first link will lead you into a brief overview of the world of the artist John Howe, best known for his work in Lord of the Rings. Following up is the character designer and art director Tetsuya Nomura. Finally, the last link will lead you to a small collection of random pictures from various people; some who are less well known, but just as talented! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

~Explore Art~

Artist: John Howe
Artist: Tetsuya Nomura
Artists: Various