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When a student receives a formal writing assignment from an instructor or professor, there are normally many requirements provided, from the format of the title page to the bibliographical citation specifications, should research be involved.  It becomes the student’s task, then, to produce a work that exhibits both a formal writing style and the specifications delineated.  For inexperienced writers, such as high school students meeting their first formal writing challenge, through graduate students, struggling with research and data analysis, it is easy to become overwhelmed and anxious.  It is at this point that a student may consider the purchase of a custom essay paper online.

At, we understand the frustration and anxiety of students with multiple courses and assignments.  Everyone wants to submit the best possible essays and papers, but deadlines, part-time jobs, and other activities eat into time.  As well, many highly intelligent individuals are simply not able to transfer their thoughts, ideas, and research into a cohesive, structurally-sound piece of academic writing.  For this reason, at a student may order a custom essay paper written in persuasive essay format online. 

To define the term “custom,” let us state the following unequivocally:  Our definition of “custom” means that an essay, book review, critique, analysis, case study, research paper, thesis, research proposal, abstract, or dissertation is written from scratch, as the order is placed by the client.  In other words, we do not maintain databases of previously-written works that may or may not meet your specific needs and that may or may not have been sold to previous clients.  Every work we deliver is a unique piece, designed, structured, researched, formatted, and composed exactly as the client has ordered.

When a client places an order for a custom essay paper online from, here is what s/he is guaranteed:

The opportunity to provide each and every specification and requirement of the piece

One assigned writer who will communicate with the client throughout the process of production

A writer who is degreed in the content area of the work and who has met the stringent process of selection that requires for all writers

A work that is written at the academic level of the student

The right to request revisions at any time, and the right to view the work as it is in progress

Receipt of a work that has been through a strict editing process, once written.  It will be reviewed for language, structure, authenticity, resource use and citation, and compared with the specifications indicated by the client.  As a further step in the guarantee of originality, the entire work will be scanned for plagiarism.

A guarantee of confidentiality both for the work and for the client.  This means that the finished product belongs only to the ordering client and will not be maintained in any database.  It further means that no client information will be maintained, so that no one will ever know that a client has used our service

Delivery by the client’s designated deadline – no exceptions!

A secure online payment process.

You owe it to yourself to seek a “smarter” way to complete your written academic assignments.  When you order a custom essay paper online through, you are working “smarter.”  Try us just once, and we guarantee that we will exceed your expectations in every way.  Whether you are a high school student struggling through an English class requiring several 5-paragraph essays or a history term paper, or a graduate student attempting to synthesize a huge amount of data into an organized thesis, we have a writer for you.  Simply give us a detailed description of your need, and it will be fulfilled – guaranteed!