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Full Name: Demetri Harwood


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species/Ethnicity/Classification: BORN AnimaPlasmous* (Race info will be at the bottom of this Bio.)

Status -
Place of Origin: Common realm



Sexual Preference:

Realm: Common Realm

Affiliation –

Alignment: Neutral to Neutral Evil


Affiliated Characters: Alan Fortuna, Ziggy Harwood

Family -
Father- Alan Fortuna
Mother- Ziggy Harwood
Siblings (Natural)- None
Siblings (Sired)- Preston

Height: 6'7

Weight: 295lbs

Eyes: Red tinged, appearing to be a swirl of blood when emotions rise.

Hair: Black naturally

Distinguishing Marks: When he feels confidant in the area, Long quills of blood on his arms, blood spikes from his back. And almost always, protruding blood spikes on his chin (A male AniPlas trait, like a mans beard.)


Phobias and/or Fears:



Strength Level: 6 (10 being the highest)

Known Superhuman Powers:
Blood manipulation

Preferred Fighting Style:

Clinching: Clinching takes place with both competitors on their feet using various clinch holds applied to the upper body of the opponent. Clinch work is generally used to set up or defend against throws or takedowns.

Submission holds There are generally two types of submission holds: those that would potentially strangle or suffocate an opponent (chokes), and those that would potentially cause injury to a joint or other body part (locks). In sport grappling, a competitor is expected to submit, either verbally or by tapping the opponent, to admit defeat when he is caught in a submission hold that he cannot escape.

Escapes: In a general sense, an escape is accomplished by maneuvering out of danger from an inferior position. For example when a grappler who is on the ground underneath his opponent is able to get back to his feet, when a grappler is able to maneuver out of a submission attempt and back to a position where he is no longer in immediate danger of being submitted, or when a grappler moves from an inferior position on the ground to guard.

Possessions to Note:




AnimaPlasmous (Latin for Living Blood) UPDATED


The AnimaPlasmous comes from the melding of two types of genetic structures. One being a Fallen Angel, the other a Phagen "Vampire".

Fallen Angels are those that rebelled against the Christian God to gain their own Free Will and Freedoms that the mortals "created" by God enjoyed. After the War in Heaven, most of these Fallen were not permitted back into Heaven. Depending on the particular Fallen, they found roles for themselves outside of the Christian God's ways.

Phagen "Vampire" are not vampires in the traditional sense of the word. Like traditional vampires, the Phagen must drink the blood of their prey to sustain life. This is not a physical need, but more of a mental addiction. Therefore, making the Phagen, in the beginning, more of mental disorder similar to Renfield's syndrome. Through the ways of the modern science of the time (Approximately 4-500 years ago if the present is 2009 AD).
It is common belief that the Phagen descended from patients with Renfield's Syndrome. Physicians of the time attempted retard the development of the aggressive white blood cells, in doing so they merged the white and red bloods cells creating an almost perfect antibody. When the white and red blood cells merged, they acted out against any foreign objects in the body, while still being useful. Through testing on those with the similar malady, physicians caused these mixed cells to mutate further. The belief that this disorder was passed down from mother to child, the three most prevalent families with this particular disorder were all quarantined and were unwilling test subjects for scientists and physicians.

The two most common families with this disorder were the Price and the McRaven. Their susceptibility to the disorder was noted to skip a generation. The offspring that showed no signs were considered "carriers" and were also subjected to the same sort of testing as those showing signs of the disorder. Through a type of hypnotic suggestion, the "carriers" began to develop the same characteristics as the rest. In a sense, kick starting the dormant genes.

The third, and less widespread line were the LaBone. All those who shared the dna of the LaBone family displayed the disorder, but an almost mutated, highly elevated version of the others. Unable to gauge the reasons for this "mutation" of the disorder, pregnant LaBone women were starved. Once death took them, the fetus was removed and its blood studied. Through this sort of undesirable testing, they found that even the fetus, on some small conscience level were too afflicted with this disorder. It came to pass that a Fallen Angel named Crocell needed to break free from his obligations to his masters in Hell. The one loophole, aside from death, was "To personally turn your blood into another". This was a vague rule, but over time Crocell had figured out its meaning. To be able to live amongst those outside of Hell permanently, he would have to become something other then an Angel. After some research into the matter Crocell began a daily regimen of blood transfusions. His choice was what he believed to be a Giovanni Vampire. For months, Crocell exchange a equal parts of his blood for that of the blood of the Giovanni. Each day he would withdraw one pint of his blood, and inject one pint of the vampire. It seemed that the transfusions were going well. Slowly, sunlight began to become bothersome to his eyes, and he began to crave the blood of the living. Around the fourth month of daily transfusions, Crocell went out on his first "kill" To his dismay, he was not able to produce fangs to tear open the flesh of the victim. He had to bite and gnaw open a gash. He drank until his stomach rejected this victims blood. Confused and feeling quite ill,

Crocell went back to his Keep for a week. He discontinued the transfusions during this time. After his body seemed to be recovering, he began the transfusions again. Once more, the blood could not be kept down. During this time, Crocell was not consuming food, as it too was rejected by his body. Believing the worst, Crocell thought he had destroyed his body and was dying. Time passed slowly for him and the only person he confided this to was a vagrant human that he had become aquatinted with. This woman comforted him and after some time, allowed him to try and feed from her. To their surprise, Crocell was able to keep her blood down, though it did not nourish or rejuvenate him as was expected. Not understanding where he had miscalculated, Crocell continued the transfusions. Time passed and he was able to feed from the woman, and his body seemed to be responding well. This was, until, Crocell started to experience mood swings and blackouts. From his friends, he learned that during his blackouts he was up and walking around. But the accounts from friends told him that He had gained what they thought was a split personality. In truth, it was not merely a second personality, it was a second being. Crocell went to speak with the Giovanni he had been receiving the blood for transfusions. With some physical persuasion, Crocell learned that the man was not in fact a Giovanni, but a LaBone "Vampire".

Assuming a LaBone Vampire was simply a younger race of vampire he had not heard of, Crocell took in another weeks worth of transfusions. During this time, friends and acquaintances revealed to him that this other personality of his was speaking as though it was a completely new being. After another week, it became apparent that the other being inside Crocell was trying to gain full control of the body, and planned to shut Crocell up inside the mind. Not wanting to be a mere voice in his own head, Crocell consulted an Egyptian magician. He learned of a Soul Switch ritual. With little hesitation, Crocell performed this ritual. He gave up a literal pound of flesh, one dram of his own blood and allowed this magician to hypnotize him. At dawn the next day, Crocell woke feeling refreshed and alone in his mind. Soon though, his happiness was halted. He was under the impression that once the other being was transferred into this pound of flesh and dram of blood, that he could simply set the mass alight and be rid of the being once and for all. To his amazement and dismay, Crocell looked upon the fully grown duplicate of himself. There were small differences between the two, but in all the being stood before him, a darker version of himself.

Physical Characteristics:

Generally they tend to keep the look of their former selves. On the occasion that they call upon their blood, the skin pigments to red. The degree of this depends solely on the choice of the particular AniPlas. The males nearly always emerge with jet black hair, red eyes and a row of prominent chin spikes. These are similar to the facial hair of men of other races, and like some antlered animals, are used to show status. The larger more prominent the spikes, the stronger in the group the AniPlas tends to be. When in not in full blown aniplas appearance, the males generally only have the chin spikes visible, though some prefer to allow their back spikes, arm quills and other various bloody protrusions showing. Despite the height of the individual before a turning, on average the male AniPlas stands no less then 5'9, with the norm being around 6'1 to 6'7".

--Soon to Come--

The clothing choices of each AniPlas are their own, though most tend to prefer clothing that will not restrict the use of their

The religious beliefs of the AnimaPlasmous vary with each that is turned. Being created through "turning" the AniPlas end up with no soul, and therefore most do not tend to have Deities they worship. There is the chance that a religious belief will be carried over after they are turned, depending on how zealous they were before.

Habits (Peacetime/Wartime):
The wartime/peacetime habits of an AniPlas again depend on the state of the being prior to turning. Each AniPlas takes a slight bit of the personal political interests of their Sire. If the Sire was a warring type, chances are his or her brood will likely follow suit.

Daily Life:
Once again, the AniPlas, being a young race, have no set roles as far as a society. The AniPlas will most likely tend to try and reintegrate with their life as it was prior to the turning. If they were an artist, the AniPlas will most likely recover that interest.

As with all Vampire type races, the AniPlas need fresh, living blood to sustain the powerhouse that is their living blood.
If an AniPlas uses his or her blood aggressively over a short period of time, extra feedings must take place. (I.E, if they battle or are injured badly, they will have to drink twice the amount of blood they normally would) If injured badly, a pint of Ogre's blood will have the same effects on an AniPlas that five pints of any other race would. Though obtaining the blood of an Ogre is far more difficult then feeding on an extra “donor”.

Marriage/Bonding Rituals:
Currently there are no recorded marriage or bonding rituals, though it is commonly thought that a "transfer" of blood would be used to bond an AniPlas to another. This would not be the case though, if the spouse was not of AniPlas blood as the introduction of the blood into a non AniPlas would eventually kill or turn the individual, the death being the most prevalent idea.

Offspring, in the sense of "natural birth" is rare, and at this point, has never happened amongst the AniPlas. This is due mostly to the fact that the "First Female" was barren at the time of her turning and that part of her anatomy was not seen by the AniPlas blood as a "necessary need", therefore, never regenerated to a functioning organ. However, it has been proven through trial and error of the "First Male" that pregnancy cannot be carried to term by a "mixed blood" pregnancy. Meaning, that an AniPlas cannot successfully breed outside the race, as facts thus far show. Currently, only an AniPlas can breed with another AniPlas. Race "duplication" is done at this time through turnings.

Training of Youth:
While youth to an AniPlas would currently mean the newly turned, training is not seen as a primary need. There are however certain restrictions, warnings and the like that the Sire would explain and sometimes display for the new AniPlas.

Gender Roles:
--Soon to come--

Administration of Justice:
The slight size of the race tends to dictate an Eye for an Eye mentality. They will viciously protect another of their race, regardless of guilt or innocence. They also have a soft spot for race related crimes, and tend to favor whomever the smaller, less prevalent race involved is.

Arms, Military Conduct:
As with other general daily life concerns, the military views and conduct tends to be based on the life of the AniPlas prior to their turning.

Funeral Rituals:
Funerals are sparse within the AnimaPlasmous community due to the fact of the "Vials of vitality". Death can, and sometimes does come to the reckless aniplas. Generally this can be prevented by giving a One Dram vial of said aniplas' blood to their Sire and up to two other trusted people. The vials, filled with one dram of the aniplas' blood can revive them from death IF and only IF it is done within thirty minutes of the victims death. Beyond that slight timeframe, the blood cannot be replicated on a cellular level, as the dying cells lose the "Hive Mind" mentality with that of the cells in the vial.

The AniPlas will more then likely use his or her common used language prior to the turning. They do however, have the ability to speak telepathically to another AniPlas so long as they are within the same realm, and within 100 miles of another.

Views on slavery will vary with each AniPlas as an individual.

General Strengths and abilities:

Blood manipulation:
Not unlike blood benders, the aniplas can manipulate their blood into blunt weapons, razor sharp blades and even projectiles. The amount of this outside of the conscious effort to “decorate” themselves with body spikes and tinting their skin with their blood, an aniplas drains itself of vital stamina and energy the more they use the blood as weapons.

A skill possessed only by the males of the race is the ability to completely liquefy their body. Where as the females can liquefy only up to 80% of their bodies at one time. It is know that if concentration is held, a mature male can liquefy and control his body in an effort known to the First Male as 10,000 tendrils. This is a fierce attack that is literally as it sounds. The body liquefies and attacks the opponent as a mass of living, thinking, reacting tendrils number up to ten thousand. Unfortunately, this is a massive drain on the body. It has only been successfully achieved once, and it killed the aniplas using this skill. Sort of a last hurrah, most aniplas never even wish to attempt this feat.

Acidic Saliva:
While both male and female aniplas have the ability to intentionally or unintentionally transfer their blood through their saliva to whomever they bite, the females of the race have developed a way to use their saliva as a weapon. The bacteria within the female aniplas mouth, when properly mixed with their blood (by biting or cutting the tongue or inside of the cheeks etc.) produces a vile acid. When a female is endangered or simply is angry enough, they can bite their tongue, filling their mouth with their own blood. This mixes then with the bacteria and alters it. Through trial and error testing, a mature female aniplas’s acidic spit can burn through Kevlar for example, within a matter of minutes.

Both male and female aniplas can communicate with others of their race mentally. As if speaking, one can mentally seek out another’s mind and speak as if using their voice. Depending on the age, maturity and health of the aniplas in question, the range is a maximum of 100 miles, and within the same realm.

When needed, the aniplas can force much of their stored stamina into their back. From this, they blood bursts through the skin forming wing like masses. The compensate for the weight of these “wings”, the elemental side of the aniplas can be applied, igniting these appendages, using the thermal method many birds use to gain altitude. Again, age, maturity and health dictate how long and how high an ainplas can fly.

Elemental Magic:
The First Male of the race was “born” with the ability to harness and control elemental fire magic. It is unknown for sure why this came to be, considering his “Maker” was a water element. It is speculated that perhaps the Phagen blood, or the donor the “Maker” received the phagen infected blood from was a fire element.
Immature aniplas can fashion slight fire spells and generally they are useless parlor tricks. Forming the fire into harmless shapes, much like balloon animals.
Mature aniplas can utilize their fire abilities into weapons or defenses. This will vary with each aniplas in question.

As far as latent ability of the newly turned aniplas, it is hit or miss. If said fledgling was skilled in shadow summoning, manipulation (Like a Lasombra for example) in his time before becoming aniplas, there is only a 50% chance or less that they will retain these skills after their turning. This goes for all skills that are not something the aniplas could learn after being turned.
The less skilled the individual was in their craft before the turning, the lower the percentage drops for them to be able to retain those skills after being turned.

Vial of Vitality:
There is a degree of “reincarnation” possible for the aniplas race. There are stipulations to such an act though.
It takes one dram of HEALTHY aniplas blood to revive them If death takes them. They are not actually dead per say, until the blood cells that command “brain like functions” coagulate. This time frame is small, being on one half of an hour (30 minutes). It is instructed that each aniplas takes three drams of their own blood, puts it into three separate vials and gives them to their sire and two other trusted individuals. In the event that they exhaust themselves to the point of the body shutting down, or “death” occurs, they must have one or more of those vials of blood injected into them within 30 minutes.
If this does not happen, the aniplas is irrevocably dead. Having no souls, meaning no after life or chance at alternate means of resurrection, this is most of the race’s worst fear. Complete, permanent death on the most grand of scales.

There has been however, one RARE case of an aniplas being able to be revived after the blood coagulated within the “brain control cells”. This was in the case of one Alan Fortuna. His head was removed from his body after his accidental death by his lover. It is speculated that perhaps in her grief stricken state, she defiantly cried against the skin of his head, possibly transferring a few cells of her own blood here and there. More likely though is she may have kissed the lips of his severed head, transferring some of her blood to his, allowing minute amounts of blood absorption, enough to keep the brain blood from coagulating until the “Maker” took the head and injected it with a dram of Alan’s blood retrieved from Gidget Griseus, Alan’s former girlfriend , whom he had entrusted with a vial of his blood.

Looking at an AnimaPlasmous when they are not in full form, you may see just a normal looking humanoid. The males of the species may have strange spiked growths along the chin and jaw, but hey, maybe they are simply demons.

They are actually closer to a Shape Shifter on their basest levels of form. Inside the aniplas, the blood flows throughout the body without the aid of veins, capillaries or any discernable organs. Unlike a vampire, who still has the organs they would have had before they were turned, the aniplas changes dramatically under their tough membrane like “skin”. If one were to peel back that skin like membrane, there would be a dense network of spongy, muscle like bits. This is because just like in the human body, each cell is assigned a job when the aniplas blood finishes the assimilation process of a turning.
No aniplas to date has the need for a circulatory system, respiratory system or nervous system. This means that the growth and use of common organs such as a heart, lungs, liver, stomach are inefficient use of the cells. A glance at an aniplas one might belay that claim. Their chests do rise and fall, as if taking in oxygen. This is thought to be a subconscious act. A sort of clinging onto the aniplas’s need to assimilate into the society around them.

One might ask, then how does the aniplas use the blood it consumes? Simple. When an aniplas feeds from its victim, via their mouth which is the traditional method, or through leach like mouths on the end of a tendril,; the aniplas cells absorb the blood on a cellular level. Each cell in the blood they consume is then stripped of the donor’s dna, reducing it to simple plasma. The excess is then expelled in the same way a human would any of their food sources.

Feeding, as most of the aniplas have learned, is far safer if they use tendrils to feed. Within their saliva, they carry an immense amount of their own blood. If for instance, they wished to only taste of a donor, but not drain and kill them, they would use their “leach mouthed tendrils”. Weak blooded victims and donors bodies cannot handle the stress and viral nature of the aniplas blood. If say, for instance, one were to simply taste of a normal human via mouth feeding, the donor chances a very painful death within 10 to 36 hours. The donor in that time frame is the blood in the aniplas saliva is transferred into their blood stream. Like with any other virus, the aniplas blood travels throughout the body, defeating the antibodies easily. Sure signs of an aniplas infection, rather then a successful turning, is mass hemorrhaging throughout most orifices and sometimes direct seepage through the skin itself. Massive blood loss and the aniplas cells attempting to assimilate the body causes not only the hemorrhaging but massive organ failure. It has been discovered that unless the aniplas means to either turn or kill the donor, it is best to feed via the tendrils, as there is no blood transfer from aniplas to donor.

So how does one turn someone to aniplas? It is not known for sure why the host drinking burned aniplas blood seems to be the only way to successfully turn the victim. Perhaps the massive shock to the segregated aniplas blood being burned and then the acids and such within the potential fledglings stomach is responsible. Thus far though, this method is the only way to turn one to an aniplas.

Sexual relations are possible with other species. But, just like with the saliva semen and most of their bodily fluids contain active aniplas blood cells. If an aniplas engages in sexual activity outside his/her own race, standard contraceptive measures should always be used. A few races though have shown great resilience to the aniplas blood via saliva or sexual transfer. These tend to be rich bloodlines such as dragons, other vampires, lycans and races with have generations of blood exchanges. Perhaps there is some mutated cells within these races that can effectively resist the aniplas’ viral like blood.

Update August 24,2010

It has come to public attention that at the very least, an animaplasmous can successfully breed with Succubus/Incubus respectively. However. There is only one documented case of this occurring, and the mother was killed giving birth by the newborn. This offspring seems identical to the Turned variety, except for the enhanced, almost melded fire element and blood bending skill. This new breed (this includes the two born of aniplas parents) that their blood has now been able to expel their blood in a jelly like state, then using it much like jellied napalm. More to come as information is gathered.

===================SIDE NOTE====================
You cannot create an animaplasmous without a player that uses one turning you, or breeding offspring.