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End all poverty is for thinkers, who can see beyond the boundries of propagranda.  And who desires to end all World  poverty, not just 15% or 50% and not just in 10 years, but NOW! 

Former departed USA Senator Edward Kennedy, Said to the effect of:


                     " All working people, should not be mired in the nightmare of poverty."


  End All Poverty, believes such. We belive- "If you are working at any job, you should be paid the costs of your monthly bill. If you need added skills or education as nursing and teacher- you should be paid more the basic to live.

  It is talking not to just groups in Colorado, but to groups across the nation and world about the week to make people aware of how massive poverty IS. The international week is Nov. 27th to Dec 2.   Please join us in telling the Mass, or mainsteam media how important it is to carry the words of us financial lacking, is to make America better.  With People being paid a decent wage of the full need, merchants and credit companies, or landlords will not have payments fall short. So businesseses will be better off.


 It is my belief that: "An economy of enough, has a livable wage built in,but no maximum wealth." I would love to hear from those who agee, and disagree with that statment.


We also ask the groups dealing with the many faces of poverty hold an event ariound the 27th of Nov. to Dec. 2, 2012.


People of our group plans to use media and the arts to inform the public year around that according to the US Labor Dept., over 70% of workers are paid less than poverty rates.  We insists that workers should all be paid 1.4 times the monthly rent-each week. If the prices of rents goes down-this will mean the amount of pay can be reduced. Such would aid businesses. This Human Economy format has NEVER been tried. Thinkers summise its about time. Such an economy could end the finacial depression of the world.


End All Poverty, seeks angels to donate whatever they can.