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Encore Entertainment

One shot,

My only shot.

This is where the fun stops.

Bodies drop,

Hit the floor,

Music's off,

Parties stop,

Everybody no show,

Or better yet, show and blow

Cuz Encore's blowing all the lights

Ya'll get ready for your biggest fight.

May 12th, 2008

And finally, the reinforcements have arrived, I mean seriously.

Why must everyone show up last minute? Is it to spoil my fun? Because it does the opposite, in fact. Or is it because I lit a fire under the entire OWF lockeroom’s ass. Giving everyone little hope that all talent is not lost, and that the end is not soon near.

Oh? You want to rebuttal the previous statement?

Ok, let's back up for a second. There is more talent in the OWF than I give credit to. First and foremost, we have MR. "Serious" Greg Jackson describing in full routine, his daily training activities. I mean, what happened to this guy? I envied him, I was in the midst of preparing his Last Comic Standing Audition Tape when BAM! This abomination hit the monitor to my left.

"Nothing makes sense in Outter Space, that's why we are here, training, yea!"

In utter disgust, I found myself turned off at the sight of your interview Jackson. Truth be told, I crossed my fingers and anxiously waited for the Peanut Gallery to stroll on by. I could see it now...

"I love training in space, what do you think, Starvin Marvin?"

"Come on ASW Jobbers, he is making fun of me, Let's-get-him!" And attack they will, you had better watch out Greg, because they know how to bite, really hard!

What else is there to say, other than the fact that I used to idolize you, until I bared witness to you massacring yourself and slandering your characters name. That`s right, I said it. Perhaps you should pay more attention to yourself, kinda like, well, me!

So continue you’re grappling with Starvin Marvin, and continue your 2 second rant about Trent Steel not even giving yours truly the time of day. It is quite obvious that your ARE in fact DUMBER than you LOOK. I will simply have to show you this, inside the ring.

A ring that I will claim mine, but it will be no easy task. There seems to be a lot of `Rats` in this match. Pesky little Mosquito’s I like to call them. The one`s mentioned as talentless, they seem to be everywhere I look.

Just like the other newbie, Jason Blood. He is just like myself, difference is, he has wrestled in the past. The other difference is, I am aware of him, and he has no idea who I am. Jason Blood, the only thing that I am truly aware of, is that you haven`t even given me the time of day. You neglected to even mention my name, or even use it within context. Bluntly said, I am utterly non existent in your eyes.

Is this how you treat all of your teammate’s blood? I find that all the wrestlers inside the OWF lockeroom are NOT very flattering, and we are supposed to be a team! Talk about your ICECOLD welcoming. I feel like nobody is even paying attention to me.

And why should they? Why should you give me attention Blood? This is where my words truly become "Meaningless." Allow me to show you at Addiction, as opposed to tell you now, because in all honesty, I’m not sure you would understand.

Speaking of peanuts for brains, who is this Stonze character? And should someone not alert the carnies to inform them that they have a stray running wild? I'm sure Festus would love to put Stonze back into his cage.

But you do bring up an interesting point. You say that you do not want to win a shot at the world title. You say that you are content with the title that you have? I think that you should re-evaluate your goals. Hell, look at me? I'm just waiting for my one big shot, and this is it. I'm going to give it my all to come out victorious in this match, wether you are on my team or not. If your just out here for some "joy ride" or some shit like that, I sugest you back the fuck off, because I am in it for real.

Wether your a champion or not, it does not matter to me. I will beat your ass just the same when it comes down to it.

Speaking of beatings, lastly, there is a man that rightfully, and deservingly will "get his" at Addiction. Actually, I believe he will be murdered. Trent "Fucking" Steel. A pleasure to meet you.

I said hello, and you called me "bitch boy." What-The-Fuck. I mean the first sentence to come out of your mouth pertaining to me incorporated the words "Bitch" and "Boy." I have been warned about this, hell, I have been warned about you.

But it's not because of your skill.

It is because of your fat mouth. Your egotistical words. Honest to god, who gave this man a microphone? Better yet, who encouraged him and told him he actually makes sense. BETTER YET..WHO THE FUCK gave this man air time AND is willing to pay him millions of fucking dollars. I have millions of dollars Trent, and I would pay it all, every last fucking cent, to shut you the fuck up.

It didn't have to be this way, you know. But I knew it would, because you are oh so fucking unpredictable. Jesus christ your gimmick is stailer than the Jonas Brothers and that Hannah Montana bitch.

All that I really took from your random jibberish you like to call a rant, is that I do not want to fight you. Ok Trent, let's see what you've got Dragon Boy. The man with a thousand nicknames. This is my one, my ONLY shot to beat you, to kill you. Trent, you, just like everyone else, do not understand just how fucking serious I AM! I would say look into my eyes, but you wouldn't take me seriously.

I have trained for this day Trent. I have been trained by some of the wrestlers that, quite franctly, HATE YOU THE MOST. Your a deadman Trent, Admit it...Common,

Just admit it..

Encore's Personal Gym
Flint, Michigan.
May 07, 2008
8:49 PM

"E? Are you there E?"

A voice is heard calling another. The voice is rather raspy and cannot be identified.

"Stop fooling around, I know your here. I heard you when I came in.."

The camera's pan towards the front entrance. A dark shadow emerges from the darkness. At first, we see a shinny leather jacket, followed by a ball cap. Upon closer look we see that it is Johnny Wilkins entering a dark gymnasium. He passes a punching bag that is mysteriously swinging back and forth, very gently. He ignores this. He proceeds towards the water cooler as he notices something peculiar.

Johnny: Encore? Eeeeencore...Is this hide or seek or something? Very juvenile...

Frustration begins to set in, Johnny is now becoming very displeased. He walks towards the water cooler and spots a glass nearbye. He dips his finger into the glass. The water is cold. He realizes that this is a freshly poured drink. He puts on his best guard as he continues to search. He walks slowly towards a door and cautiously opens it wide.

Johnny: This is turning into a cat chase...bloody hell.

A wrestling ring is spotted with silver ropes all around. It is a custom made ring with a logo cleverly designed in the center of the ring. Johnny, cautiously walks towards the ring. The logo turns out to be a massive picture of Encore's portrait. He drops to his knee's and slowly looks underneath the ring. A couple seconds go by..

Johnny: Get the hell out here before I get really angry!

Just as he decides to give up the search, a man jumps down from above and straps the leg of Johnny. He wrenches him from under the ring and pulls him out. He continues the assault by dropping to the floor and locking his legs, applying a vicious ankle lock.

Man: Tap motherfucker!

Johnny: I tap..I TAAAP!

Johnny pounds the mat as the man eventually releases the vicious submission move. Johnny grabs his leg in pain.

Johnny: What the hell was that? Encore is that you?

Encore: Johnny, sorry about that. Pretty good though, huh? Don't ya think?

Johnny pushes himself back, sliding across the floor in fear. He finds himself now petrified of the man he use to consider a friend. He slowly attempts to pick himself up, but quickly fails, his leg seeming too weak.

Encore: Sorry, I didn't realize that it hurt that badly. My training has been very intense. I can't wait for my shot in the big leagues. Oh sorry, here, let me help you up.

Encore rushes towards the fallen Johnny and quickly grabs him by the jacket and lunges him to his feet. Johnny grunts loudly as he is now standing.

Encore: Why are you here? There must be good news. What is it? The OWF? No, ASW! Come on Johnny! I can't take it anymore! You aren't here to say hi, that I am sure of. Is ASW offering me a contract?

Johnny: No, turns out, Kremlin is a jack ass. Anyways, this is far better. The OWF ITSELF has offered you a ONE MATCH CONTRACT!

Encore: One match? That's kinda weak..

Displeased, Encore lowers his head. Johnny quickly rushes in, listing the main pro's, rather than con's.

Johnny: No, NO Johnny, you have got it all wrong! You said it yourself. This is your one shot, your one BIG CHANCE! You will be live, on Monday Night Addiction, against Trent Steel himself!

A look of shock comes across the face of Encore, then followed by a little smile. He quickly masks that face and continues to speak.

Encore: Tre..Trent Steel? He's...He's a legend. How the hell did you pull it off?

Johnny: Well, there is a catch.

Encore: Always..

Johnny: You will be fighting in The Kill Trent Steel match with many others on your team, in fact, the entire OWF lockeroom. The person that pins Trent Steel will automatically receive a world title shot at a future date! That would be huge for our entire corporation!

We pan to Encore, who is scratching his head. He is considering the one match contract, realizing that it is his dream. It is what he has always wanted.

Johnny: The beauty of it is, you don't even have to win! You simply have to impress! And, well, with moves like that, your a shoe in for a ONE YEAR CONTRACT! Isn't that magnificent!

Encore: Great! When do we leave..

Johnny: RIGHT NOW!

Encore: Where are we going? What hotel? Where is my car, I must drive..

The demands begin to flow from Encore's rich, spoiled mouth. Johnny, realizing that he has to make Encore pleased, decides to not tell him the truth, rather than lie.

Johnny: There is no time for that, this is it Encore. This will be bigger than our memorable night in Madrid!

They make their way towards the front door. Johnny quickly exits and runs towards the car in the driveway. Encore is left behind, staring at the house behind him, hesitant to leave. He brushes his hand over the light switch. He slowly turns the lights off, his face, emotionless. The car horn honks as Johnny is beginning to become impatient.

Johnny: Let's go E! We don't have all day!

Encore: This is it..

Mumbling to himself..

Encore: My one shot, my only shot.

He closes the door behind him, leaving his home, his city and his old life behind, only to re-emerge, a superstar.

”On this monday's MVW ADDICTION; Will Encore gain his six/seven figure contract from the OWF? Will he impress the OWF Executives? Will he kill Trent Steel? Tune in to find out LIVE! on the OWF Network.”