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Dreams and Wishes Blog
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: >>Out and About.

I've just come back from watching 'Back to the '80's'. It was sooo good! I really loved it to be honest! Better than Chantry highs shows that's for sure! lol.

After the show we came back to Eliza's house and played Guitar hero. I had to sing cause Mercedes didn't want to! But, now, i have Livin' on a prayer by Bon Jovi in my head! OMGG. *Taps leg while singing* Hmm.. we're half way there...


I'm currently on MSN just talking to Beth. Waiting for my delicious Pizza. *Mouth Watering* Tongue out

Ok, now i'm eating and typing at the same time!!

I might be back after dinner - depending on whther my two silly brothers will get home beforehand. Frown

Ciao for now.


Posted by emmaflaherty at 1:22 PM EST
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Northgate, HSM, drama students, gymnastics and snow.
Mood:  happy
Topic: >>Out and About.

Hi everyone! It's saturday morning, 11.17, and i've bascially just woken up! At 1PM I should be going to a play with my friends Eliza and Mercedes. Eliza was the one that invited me! It's a play called 'Back to the '80's'. It's a musical, so i've heard. And we don't have bad seats either! My ticket says "Row: C     SEAT: 13". So, yeah, we have awesome seats ;).

Chantry high (thats my school by the way) is doing a school play too. It's High School Musical. Don't you dare ask. First of all, watching the movie itself would kill me but, honestly! They expect me to actually act in a play ABOUT that rubbish? haha. Thats funny. No way would they make me EVER waste me precious time learning my lines. Oh, but obviously i couldn't learn lines because guess what? I HAVE NONE! *Sarcasm* OMMGGG! Like i just said, our drama teachers at Chantry have such favourtism! I do drama for GCSE, yeah? And theres this group of girls in our class that got to practically CHOOSE their group for their final examination. We got stuck with people who's target grades were E's. I should be getting and A or A*. Depending on how good my coursework was. Our last drama lesson was awful actually. I felt like i was just bossing everyone about all the time. I was just trying to get them to ACT! But, no, their idea of acting was by standing facing each other, scripts practically covering they mouths and mumbling at the top of their voices. Brilliant. World class, seriously. Wish i had their amazing talent! Yell

Stupid people!

Right, well, rapidly changing the subject.

I'm a gymnast. I do gymnastics every wednesday at Pipers Vale Gymnastics Club. The people there are great! In my gymnastics group, led by Laura, is Chloe, Rebecca, Darian, Alice, Abba and maybe some other people that i've forgotten about. Oh, yes! *Remembers* And myself. Cool haha. ;).we're in the advanced group. We do back walkovers, back handsprings, handsprings, split leaps ETC. It's fun, but those little kids REALLY tire me OUT! Sealedlol!

Mind if i change the subject again?

Today the weather looks quite nice, to be honest. Lately, it's be really cold and snowy. On monday we still had to go into school, even when it was like a blizzard outside! Trust me, our school is strange. VERY strange. The teachers (Well most of) are strange too. Some used to have lesbian relationships, for instance. (That might just be a rumour. I don't know!) Some have been said to be kicked out of their last school for having you-know-what with a year eleven student. One of them was even said to have run around the school grounds topless! Surprised But you never heard it from me, k? Wink No more gossip for now! Foot in mouth

Going back to the weather: It's feburary. Feburary plus Eastern England means loads of ice and snow. Well, actually, not enough ice and snow. Just really cold winds. But, actually, i have to admit, the snow is what really makes my mondays! Laughing Especially, if monday is the worst day on your whole school timetable! Physics, chemistry and P.E. well, maybe minus the P.E part! I mean, i like P.E. Maybe cause i'm good at it though. Most people that get A*'s in maths and science get E's in P.E! I get C's and B's in Maths and Science and B's in P.E. I guess it's ok.

My friend Juliet is AWESOME at sport! And she's a good mate too! We've had sleepovers, pizzas in front of the television and we've even been shopping! Yeah, we're good friends. She from Kenya by the way. She can speak three languages at that! I can only speak one. English and maybe some basic Japanese.

Well, once again the time has come for me to depart.

In other words, i gotta go now. tehe. Wink    

It's currently 11.43, so it took me like 30 minutes just to type this out. lol!


Posted by emmaflaherty at 6:15 AM EST
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Friday, 6 February 2009
My new blog.
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Nothing. :/
Topic: >>Blog.

Hi! I'm Emma and this is my new blog! I will be typing here probably everyday about whats been going on lately. But, don't worry for now, i'm not boring ;).

So, anyway, over time i'm sure that we get to know each other well (if you don't already know me!)

I still, unfortunately, go to school. I'm in Year eleven and i'm currently doing my GCSEs. Trust me, it sucks. I'm failing Business. lol!

Hopefully, by august, whether i've pasted my GCSEs or not won't really matter. I'll be doing A-levels. Then College. Then Uni. But so far i'm on the first step. And i have to past that one first. Just my Luck, eh?

However, time is passing and Dad is angry that i'm still online. i gotta go now.



Posted by emmaflaherty at 5:59 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 7 February 2009 6:45 AM EST
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