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Point Loma Electric strive to provide a safe and secure environment for our valuable customers.  You are the reason for our existence and our success.  Trust, Integrity, Value and Service is our motto.  Our mission is to provide you with outstanding service while ensuring that Point Loma Electric remains a successful and viable business that will still be around long in the future to honor our warranties and provide employment for fantastic electricians.  We aim to provide a postive and rewarding work environment for our employees.  We do not make claims that are not true such as “lowest price”, “24 hour service”, “free service call” or “no job too large or too small”.   We strive to hire only the best employees who will work hard to provide the high level of service you deserve.  We will not cut corners or take shortcuts.  And being the best and being the cheapest are mutually exclusive.  The old adage that you get what you pay for is often true.  Our goal is to provide value to our customers and to ensure that we are run as a profitable business that can treat our employees fairly as well  as contribute back to society.  We make no claims of being the lowest priced electrician San Diego.  However, we can confidently claim that you will receive the highest level of professional service from expert electricians who are proud to be the best at what they do.  We are not willing to take chances with your safety.  Our promise is to do everything in our power to ensure that your experience working with Point Loma Electric will exceed your expectations, and we are not satisfied until you are.