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A long awaited rain pours down over their city of Los Vegas, Navada.  The dark clouds seem to stretch on for what appears to be miles on end, and not exactly showing any signs of letting up.  And as the storm continues to rage on, a lightening flashes near by illuminating everything briefly in an eerie light.  A light that mere moments later is followed closely there after by an echoing rumble of thunder. Yet still, this does not deter those living in and or visiting this vast city of sparkling lights and concrete giants.  No, instead, they continue on with their lives just like Mother nature continues her unscheduled wrath appointment doing what it is they do. And even in this dreary time the scene begins with in the thriving lobby of the hotel and casino belonging to that of the Nichols’ family.  Many nameless faces mill about winning and losing their earnings as they go, while others stand in watch...Wither it is waiting for their turn, or seeing just whom is gullible enough to fall for their scam...  And as the day continued on for what is worth, Dakota could be seen heading out of the private elevator  that was only used by his family dressed for business and ready to roll...  As he made his way across the lobby heading towards the casino, a woman dressed in similar fashion heads over to him and seems to begin filling him in on things as they walk.  The scene on the other hand switches back to his penthouse, where surprisingly enough the SCW diva can be seen walking from the bathroom towards the bedroom in but a towel or two...One wrapped securely around her mid section ending just above her knees, and another wrapped surprisingly around her head.  She then clearly is seen disappearing back into the bedroom that she currently shared with her fiancee Dakota Nichols.

Out in the hallway we see Destiny Nichols approaching. She was on leave from SCW, following the concussion she had received from Matt Hodges. He was going to pay, but that was a different story. Right now Destiny was there to talk to Dakota about a few things. Destiny wears a pair of dark designer jeans, a black strapless corset top with turquoise laces, black leather heeled boots and has her long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. She approaches the door and grabs the key card from he pocket, sliding it through the door but calling out Dakota's name before opening the door. She calls out Dakota's name again as she steps inside closing the door behind her.   From further with in the penthouse a familiar voice calls out.

Natalie:  Dakota is not here...He has left on business, an vill be back later.
Destiny: Oh, sorry Natalie.

Destiny smiles as she walks over and sits down on the couch and waits for Natalie to emerge. She found herself liking Natalie a lot. She was the first girl her brother ever brought home that Destiny didn't want to get rid of.

Destiny: Hey, by the way, nice job on Sophia's face. That bitch had a beating coming for a long time. Should of hit her a few more times, we could of got ya off saying it was self defense.

There was a bit of a chuckle from the bedroom, as Natalie thought upon it herself.

Natalie:  I vould have if I vasn’t pulled off.  Unfortunately someone took pitty on da girl.  But I am sorry, you don’t talk about my momma and poppa dat vay.  If I see dat girl again, I vill make her regret showing her face peroid....

Natalie remarked as she finally emerged from the bedroom.  She is seen now wearing a hot pink bra under what looks to be a cotton black tank top with a silver skull upon the front of it.  Natalie is also seen wearing stone washed jeans with a few stylized holes.  She can be seen without a single piercing or piece of jewelry, however the artistry in her tattoos looks magnificent. With a towel still wrapped around her head, she nods a hello to Destiny as she heads over to the hidden refrigerator for a drink.

Destiny: Sophia is a pain in the ass, she is going to get what's coming to her. I am gonna see to that. I am going to bankrupt her entire family. She thinks she's a bitch, she had another thing coming. She's lucky Dakota didn't have her tossed out on the street corner where she belongs.
Natalie:  She needs to be taught humility.  She needs to understand there are reactions both positive and negative to her actions.  And she vill not learn a damn ting until she hits rock bottom...People truly need to stop handing her shit.

Natalie replied as she pulled out a coke and closed it all back up before opening her drink.  Turning around she walked over and sat down upon the other end of the couch from Destiny.

Destiny: Oh she will. That bitch has screwed with the wrong girl. She stole a year of my life and I am going to make sure she pays.

Destiny smirks almost evilly for a moment as as she toys with the ring on her finger.

Destiny: See what she doesn't know is Dylan and I know everything. We know she schemed to break us up because she was always jealous that Dylan loved and wanted me, not her.
Natalie:  She seems to vant Dakota too...Any high end sugar daddy, vhen she isn’t grateful for vhat she has...She is out of your league...And speaking of your league, Alexis seems to believe dat I am no vhere near your level.  Just figured to let you know you seemed to have an admirer of sort.  I mean how else vould she know right?

Destiny laughs a bit, she had not paid much attention to Alexis. Alexis was the only member of the Chosen that didn't want to kill their leader. Destiny leans back on the couch a bit as she speaks.

Destiny: Don't pay to much thought to Alexis. She walks her own road and is to busy playing with that idiot Nicole Kinneck for me to even care about her.
Natalie:  Dat girl has some deep rooted issues...She is trying so hard to get under my skin at all costs.  I am not sure if she vill be coming to our match up vith a level head.
Destiny: So then use that to your advantage. If you are going to be a Nichols you gotta be ruthless and uses every little weakness your opponent has. Take advantage of the fact.
Natalie:  I have always grown up believing and doing what is right.  That you shouldn’t cheat to get a head because then you can’t enjoy the true value of what you earn and more often den not...You lose out if you cheat.  But of late...

Natalie shook her head and got up from the couch to head back towards the bedroom.

Natalie:  I feel like I have been going bout life vith blinders on.

Destiny watches Natalie for a moment. She was now curious as to what Natalie was talking about. Destiny actually smiles a bit as she speaks.

Destiny: Why do you say that? I mean I know our views are different. Me for instance, I do what I have to do to win and step on who ever I have to to get what I want. But you have walked that straight and narrow path, so what's changed now?
Natalie:  It is not so much  breaking a vay from dat path...It is just...Videning my view of tings.  I believe in not cheating still to dis day, but if da asshole brings it to the plate, den vhy not use it to beat some sense into him or her for being stupid enough to bring it in da first place?

Natalie inquired from the bedroom, when she came out without the towel this time brushing out her hair that no longer held a single dreadlock.  Destiny smiles as maybe Dakota had rubbed off on Natalie a bit. Destiny laughs a bit as she was caught off guard by Natalie's new hair style. It wasn't bad it was just Destiny had never seen Natalie without dreads. Of course at the moment Destiny was showing a side of herself that was rarely seen in SCW.

Destiny: I agree, someone brings in a weapon use it to beat their ass, plain and simple. Though it looks like you got a knew hair do to go with your new attitude.

Natalie crinkled her nose a bit as she nodded.  WIth a sigh, she continued to brush out the snarls as she headed back towards the couch.

Natalie:  Yeah, I slipped out before Dakota was up to get my head treated and the dreads taken out.  If you take care of dem properly you can have them removed vithout the loss of your hair.  I got back and got into the shower vhen he voke up, and explained he vould be back later.
Destiny: Ah, well looks good. Of course I hope you did it because you wanted too and not because you feel like you don't fit into the family. Dakota told me how you were feeling and you know we accept you for who you are right? We wouldn't want you to change.
Natalie:  I understand...It is just I have to be realistic.  Not everyone in this vorld is fair now are dey?  So vhy fight someting, vhen I can simply make dem regret stepping into da ring vith me to begin vith.  But vill I go over board...No...
Destiny: That's good. I just don't want you to think you had to change for anyone but yourself. Screw what the world thinks, they are not important and beneath the Nichols Family.
Natalie:  You almost make your family sounds as if dey are gods?  Do you believe in da gods?

Natalie inquired as she finally finished brushing out her hair and set the brush down.  Destiny laughs a bit as she didn't hide the fact she was a egotistical stuck up bitch pretty much.

Destiny: I believe in God but I believe there are other forces out there. My family and I, no we aren't Gods, but when you have the power why not use it? We come from a royal blood line, we are better than most people. We don't apologize for it. Not saying we are complete and utter bastards, we have feelings and do care about those close to us. But we also know we rank high on the social ladder.
Natalie:  From vhat I know...Back in da day, nobility vas von and lost by da sword.  Now a days you are either born into it or you are not.  And for those dat are have a far easier life den others.  But even if you believe da vay you do in yourselves, remember it vas da little people dat got you der.
Destiny: I think you have gotten us wrong. I'm not saying we aren't grateful for those who got us where we are today. I know where I have come from, but I will not give credit where credit is not due. We aren't complete assholes. Dakota and I have our charities, we give where help is needed, but we don't flaunt that fact. We don't simply go around spreading that news. Though speaking of Dakota, since he is gone, how about you and I have a girls day out. My treat and I won't take no for an answer.