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Siding for Your Home and Energy Efficiency


You may be remodeling your current home or building a new one; irrespective which, you’ll still want the siding to look at its very best.


It can be problematic to select the right materials for the design if you’re unsure about the benefits and disadvantages of each material. Your home should have curb appeal which demonstrates that you maintain and care for your property, and you’ll also want it to be as energy efficient as possible so that the maintenance of the product and your utility bills are kept low.


There are many options for siding and they all look fantastic and are also energy efficient. And through the careful selection of the appropriate materials you’ll increase on the capacity to save on utility costs and energy. Prior to choosing, be sure to get a certified home energy audit carried out as this will ensure that you are selecting the best siding you can for your home.



Different Sidings Available Today


Vinyl: Currently, vinyl is the most popular material for home siding, and accounts for approximately 80 percent of homes in the US these days. Not only is it efficient, but given that it is plastic based, it is particularly durable and resistant to fire.


Aluminum: Aluminum has been around for many more years than vinyl siding. Nevertheless, it is easily dented, damaged, and dinged, so many builders and siding contractorshave a preference for using it only for the second floor where the risk of damage is limited. All the same, aluminum siding does have benefits and it is easy to paint as well as long lasting.


Fiber: Fiber cement is comprised of cement and sand together with cellulose fibers. It is not only long lasting, but for those that reside in areas where termites are a problem, fiber is a preferred choice given that it will remain devoid of termite damage.


Stucco: Stucco has been used in home construction for a long time. It is a blend of sand and lime with water and often contains cement. This formulates a hardened shell around the home’s exterior and it becomes particularly hard when it is dry. Stucco is manufactured in numerous colors.


Brick: While brick as a siding material is very traditional and also durable, it provides for a true insulator against noise. Nevertheless, brick is particularly costly and it must be installed by a qualified professional.



When a homeowner is selecting a type of siding, they should consider the type of home to be sided, the overall cost of it, and also the region they are in.


Every home type should have the correct form of thermal barrier while this barrier must be applied in the correct way so that the energy savings are optimal. Furthermore, the siding should be able to halt the transfer of air from the home’s exterior to the interior.

Ecobuilt Siding