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            Welcome to my book of shadows, merry meet, and blessed be!

  Here you will find information on a variety of subjects from  the ancient paths.

About me:

I am many things...most of which are beyond words as words can not truly encompass who I am.  This is because I am more of the world of energy & spirit which can not be easily conveyed in words.  Energy in it's rawest, purest, & most natural form is too immense for words as it is older than words itself.  I dwell in the roots of existence itself.  That in which is beyond me & my soul, but contrarily is very much a large essence therein my soul.  I perceive existence not as I wish.  I perceive it in a manner in which I listen to the language of the universe, energy, essence, prana, & thread itselfIt is there, that I am spoken to & I speak.  Thus is of a higher purpose. The truth lies not in what I wish it to be, but rather what lies in every natural form from quantum particle to plant, the very laws of nature,  the supernatural, existence, non-existence, divine time, the undercurrent, & the unseen world.  The soul is in a constant state of transformation & growth.  Regardless of the age of one's soul, whether new, old, or eldest, there is always room to grow & such is a necessity.  What is worse than a wrinkled body is a winkled, parched, frail soul.  At the dawn of the eldest age of spirit, one must still be able to find passion, vigor, mystery, growth, love, strength, endurance, possibility, determination, faith, good intention & hope  to not grow forever weary in spite of an old or young spiritual age.  There are infinite doors.  It may not always seem this way, but sure enough, in time the make will be revealed.  Rest is assured as long as one can delve within the wellspring within one's soul.  Only after venturing past the abyss of self, seeing, accepting, facing, resolving, healing, growing, transforming, & extracting the hidden treasure buried there, discovering that treasure to be the lessons & wisdoms we must take from such plights, only then, can one traverse safely through & past one's abyss, shadow side or self, & problems to find the essence of the roots of one's creation, the undercurrent, divine flow, the wellspring within.  There in the wellspring of the soul, lies the very root of the universal life force itself. It is the basic building block of the soul.  When accessed, tapped into & even more so, when a soul resides there, eternal spiritual nourishment pervades into one's being with many other sanctities & mysteries I shall not reveal, as it is up to you to find your wellspring, to connect with that in which is the true fountain of youth for the soul eternal, a beauty of insurmountable perception,  veiled in an elusive sheath of wondrous fiber to that of which only souls' eyes unhindered can find the path to, the ego set aside, to view & perceive the entirety of existentialism for it's truest nature, entirely without the mediocrities & illusions of the ego, mind, twisting & contorting a perfect vision of what is, to a lower form equating to, not seeing lucidly.  Rather, in such a feat, one sees only from the perspective(s) of self, what one 'thinks' one sees, congruent with what one 'wants' to see.   The utmost essence of the wellspring within is what connects all together. It is only there, where we will find our deepest connections to one another, life, the universe, & existence.  It is there, we will no longer be in a state of doing, but a state of being.  One of the greatest lessons to ever transpire is that true healing, awareness, & really anything of genuine constructivity only comes into being after on has delved within, looked within one's self, leave no stone unturned, introspection is key.  To look within is one of the true keys to the universe, existence, life, & spirituality.



All healing first starts within, requiring self discipline, honesty, love, and respect towards and with oneself to be able to do such towards others. & existence.  Meditation will bring ones' consciousness far especially if done ritually over time.  Door ways in the mind and spirit will be opened and will continue through meditations.   Transcendental insights may be received as well during this process.  The shadow side of self is there to show us where we need to improve.  If one learns from it to the fullest extent with acceptance, it will eventually turn to love.  Death breeds more death.  Too much positivity within immediately attracts negativity.   This applies to magick as well.  I know many have questions & strong opinions about black and white magick.  My suggestion: neutrality, staying centered, and grounded.  Use the full color spectrum at once.  Some occasions may call for more of a specific color, whether it's candle color or just elemental colors casted.  To cast only black magick is to face the most serious karmic repercussions.  To cast only white is to attract defensive spirits of the most dark.  For instance,  I use rainbow as my primary, then purple, green, and indigo with a hint of white.  Indigo is the color of Gaiya (mother nature) and the true nature of it's color can only be brought out with a hint of white.  Using the full color spectrum is equivalent to the white light since pure white light is made of the full spectrum..  Though, I would rather focus on the full spectrum itself than to narrow my vision to a single color even if it's the word white.  The most ancient of magick is beyond labels & words.  It is a direct interaction with one's spirit & the rawest, energy essence of existence & spirit itself.  Magick is not a tool as many believe & treat it to be.  Magick is conscious & breathing. It has a soul as well.  It is the oldest, most sacred of energy laying latent more commonly, but still exists in all of us none the less, in our depths of depths of our beings.  It should be treated with the highest respects.  Never do magick for selfish, malignant, negative, destructive, angry, etc reasons.  For to do this, is to go against the essence, the very nature of magick in its self & to face the wrath of the very universe itself.  When you cast magick, only do it when you are in a clear, peaceful state of mind preferably after meditation. Have a pure & good intent.  Let the magick flow from the bottom of your heart & soul, casting for balance, healing, & other qualities of constructivity.

Two pieces by my favorite artist Alex Grey. To see more of his work go to