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Patient Transfer And Adjustment Made Easy

The method for transferring a patient from a bed to a chair depends mostly on the patient’s health condition and his capability to bear weight and aide in the transfer. There are several products available in the market that helps in this regard. AutoSlide, WendyLett, EasySlide, TurnSheet, TurnTableSoft, SitWalk and OneWaySlide at are some of the products that you can consider buying.

Using OneWaySlide is quite simple and straightforward and you just need to follow some proper tips in this regard. OneWaySlide is designed and crafted to easily assist in the apt placement of an individual in the back of a chair and to avoid them slipping forward. The apt sliding surfaces make use of a mixture of low friction and strips of simple sliding one way materials. Different models of this product are:

a.Lite O3743VO Velvet is a single layer product for use to help place an individual on pressure cushions if they do not have severe decubitus issues or for placing on a swivel cushion as our Twist Assist so that one can enter or leave vehicles.

b.Long single layer models that can be easily folded with their handle positioned through the back of an open back chair permitting the carrier to make use of their strong leg muscles to simple place the individual at the back of the furniture.

c.Continuous loops that can be easily utilized on open or closed back furniture. Obtainable in regular or bariatric sizes, for lounge or wheelchair.

So, this was all about OneWaySlide products in detail. You got to buy this product if you are looking for some effective patient transfer solutions. If you want you can even look out for some amazing tips online in order to handle such transfer tools.

Read this article carefully for further information. Have a lot of fun and enjoy a lot while handling such products.