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In the SEO strategy it is very important, especially the strategy for the medium and long term. Therefore, we propose to develop a strategy aligned with the marketing of your business, aiming to improve the return on investment achieved so far with SEO, marketing and other channels.

By giving priority to long-term strategy we forget tricks and deceptions that can work in the short term. Instead, we focus on doing things with strategy, planning and ongoing optimization. In addition, we are totally transparent: we tell you what it is, what we think can be done, what competitors are doing and how far it can go. This is not to get specific keywords, you are looking good economic performance: the niche work and results are measured to return to improve.

Often Google and other search engines decide to change the algorithm. We continually adapt to the recommendations and implement changes. What we do is no secret, nor is it magic, or is misleading. It is to improve what's there, check out the competition, analyze the results and continuous improvement based on the analysis of the data.

Standardized steps to make a success of an SEO project are:

    Knowledge of the current situation of the client / web: your goals, your needs and your opinion.

    Joint research to identify opportunities based on trends, competitors, geographic areas, etc.  strategy of the competitors and what they are looking for potential customers.

    Metrics and KPI (Key Performance Indicators or Key Performance Indicators) are defined. With them will evaluate the results, the changes implemented and actions taken.

    The web is audited, and the changes required to run the web meets the highest standards of quality, and as fast as possible (Web Performance Optimization, content, etc.). Likewise, marketing strategies that will influence the web are reviewed.

    It develops a strategy to increase the online visibility of the website and to build an online reputation in order to improve the SEO and conversion rates. These actions may include:

        Presence in social networks.

        Production and distribution of content. Including text, video and pictures.

        Press releases and newsletters.


        Articles in industry publications.

        Relations with bloggers, tweeters and industry influencers.

        Relations with industry forums and communities.

        Digital media support of suppliers and customers.


Measurement and evaluation of the results obtained with the changes implemented and actions taken according to the metrics and KPI initially proposed. This can be implemented changes and improvements in the strategy, and can be located strengths and weaknesses on the web. It serves to encourage those actions that bring more sales, more records, more completed forms, etc.

    With web analytics we can know the user behavior and the actions they take within the web. Ratios user behavior into account the searchers

    Optimization: The key is the continuous optimization of the web, actions and processes.

    Reports. In reporting the results that are obtained are the most interesting metric, the impacts achieved, trends, etc. All this with our assessment and written clarification of what that means. Of course, we included in the reports proposed changes and recommendations to continue improving.

SEO plans as

If your website or your company need special SEO link building services because of their urgency or difficulty, then we can help.

Our plans are tailored to customer needs and mainly contemplate the following actions:

    You can monitor, optimize and focus the strategy to all keywords you need. You can choose them you, or we can propose options for you to choose. But always you are you who has the last word.

    Strategies to achieve the quantity and quality of links to your site needs.

    Monthly analysis and positioning control, starting from the initial stage and comparing with the progress of natural position.

    Detailed guidance for the optimization of your website. We indicate the concrete actions that you must perform.

    HTML code optimization.

    Server optimization.

    Optimization and positioning in Google Local.

    Initial analysis + + extensive market research Business Plan

    Tracking statistics through Google Analytics. We study the performance of different traffic sources.

    Everything you need. We look for solutions to your problems.