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Eagle Reaver Studios

Welcome Page

Welcome to my web site, I hope you enjoy your time here and enjoy viewing my creations as much as I do creating them. Whilst this is a hobby to me first and foremost I hope you'll agree I'm more accomplished with a paintbrush than with html! I have been painting models since my teenage years yet the majority tend to sit on gathering dust on my shelf seen only by my long suffering family and myself. Here then is my outlet to the world! As you can see from the gallery most of my work is on fantasy models, with GW currently hogging the lion's share due to my obsession with all things elven. However I do not limit myself to one genre of models and am happy to paint pretty much anything I'm asked.

Obviously this site is very much in it's infancy (as are my sitebuilding abilities) but I shall be adding to it soon with extra photographs along with tutorials and a section relating to commissions

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