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One of the most commonly asked questions regarding search engine optimization is: "What is the best way to learn SEO"? The answer I always give to this question is simple yet complex. My answer to this question is always:

Now before you say that my answer is not a definitive response to the question - let me explain my answer to you.

Search engine optimization by its very nature is not a black and white concept. There is a lot of gray area in the field of search engine optimization SEO.

Thus, it is only natural for people who are trying to learn SEO to be totally confused about how and what to do in relation to learning SEO because there are so many options and opportunities available for people to learn search engine optimization.

Well, let's look closer at my answer to the question of what is the best way to learn SEO:

My answer to the question is based purely on my viewpoint of education in general and learning the new subject matter.

The fact that someone is trying to learn SEO is only the current situation for the individual. The real question that is being asked is what is the best way for the individual to learn and this depends on the individual.

For example, some people learn best using visual aids while others learn more through audio aids while still others learn better from reading books.

In the end, the best way to learn almost anything is to use a combination of these methods.

However, in our society today people have very little patience, so the visual method tends to be what many people prefer because frankly it is easier to apply and use; but in my experience, the "visual" method, in the long run, is the least effective method for individuals to utilize for retaining and applying new information.

With this being said, the best method for learning, in my opinion, is reading a well-written book related to the subject matter.

The book should include visual aspects in the material to enhance the learning experience and access to an instructor for reinforcement of the material that is read or it should be written in a manner that presents the material as if the author is actually sitting with the reader and explaining the information Durham SEO.