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Green text

Heading on blue background

html site


I love CSS

this link is titled . link between page

With the property
float an element can either be floated to the right or to the left.
The following example illustrates the principle:

Bill Gates

With the property position, you can place an element exactly where you want it in your page:

Bill Gates


send email to your father

a picture link to something

< img src="" alt="something else" > the alt provides an alternative if the picture does not show up

title="name" can also go in the picture attribute
use width="10px" height="10px" to detemine the size in pixels

Colspan is short for "column span". Colspan is used in the < td> tag to specify how many columns the cell should span:

rowspan specifies how many rows a cell should span over

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the actual size in kilobytes of the image file will remain the same
so it will take the same time to load the image as it did before, even though it appears smaller on the screen.
Therefore, you should never decrease the image size by using the width and height attributes.
Instead, you should always resize your images in an image editing program to make your pages lighter and faster.
That said, it is still a good idea to use the width and height attributes because the browser will then be able to detect
how much space the image will need in the final page layout before the image is fully downloaded.
This allows your browser to set up the page nicely in a quicker way.

Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4

The opening tag < table> and the closing tag < /table> starts and ends the table. Logical. .
< tr> stands for "table row" and starts and ends horizontal rows. Still logical. .
< td> is short for "table data". This tag starts and ends each cell in the rows of your table. All simple and logical..
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4
Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4

< table border="1"> the border attribute is used to specify the thickness of the border around your table:
you can also set the width of a table in pixels - or alternatively in percentage of the screen < table border="1" width="30%">
align: specifies the horizontal alignment of the content in the entire table, in a row or in a single cell.For example, left, center or right
valign: specifies the vertical alignment of the content in a cell. For example, top, middle or bottom.

Link to heading 1

Link to heading 2

heading 1

Text text text text

heading 2

Text text text text

"../" "../page1.htm" points to the folder one level up from position of the file from which the link is made. Following the same system, you can also point two (or more) folders up by writing "../../". Did you understand the system? Alternatively, you can always type the complete address for the file (URL).

A Heading

text, text text, text


text, text text, text

the br /
breaks line and goes to the next line

< STRONG > makes strong/big text

< SMALL > makes small text

Emphasised small text

the < br / >
breaks line and goes to the next line

< hr /> used to draw horizontal lines

ul is short for "unordered list" and inserts bullets for each list item. ol is short for "ordered list" and numbers each list item. To make items in the list use the li tag ("list item").

  1. First list item
  2. Second list item
Stronger emphasis Small text
Line shift
Horizontal line
    Ordered list
  • List item
  • click2