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Rehabilitation Programs

In much simpler terms, Prescription drug addiction rehabilitation is actually a treatment or a treatment which is designed to assist in the procedure of recovery. The recovery could be for any disease, or injury or even disease. The main purpose of these rehabilitation programs is that they are only carried out be highly professional people and much qualified therapists. In rehabilitation programs what basically is done is that then patients are helped with living their life along with their deficits. Rehabilitation programs address a patient’s psychological, physical and environmental needs.

Each rehabilitation program is different for each patient, especially tailored for that one person. The main types of rehabilitations that exist are, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. In physical therapy as the name suggests, the patient I helped to restore the use of his body parts. It tries to help the patient find relief and improve his mobility and strength. This therapy is usually prescribed to people who have had a recent amputation of any kind, or cancer or any other cardiac disease. It also helps in the treatment of neurological problems, pulmonary diseases and even traumatic brain injuries. Exercise is said to be the best kind of physical exercise for everyone and is widely used by these rehabilitation programs.

Occupational therapy is one in which the patient is taught all over help for substance abuse again on how to carry out everyday tasks such as trying to restore the patients old skills. This therapy maybe advised or prescribed to a person after arthritis or head injuries, spinal cord injuries or even cardiac diseases. The duration of this program completely depends on the patient and his will and ability to recover. Occupational therapy aids the patient in learning how to use devices like while walking, or how to walk without any assistant. This could be for people having artificial limbs or even crutches.

Speech therapy is one in which helps the patient work on his speech disorder. Speech therapy is usually prescribed to people who have been through a brain injury recently or patients with cancer. The time duration of this therapy depends on the disease being treated. Every disease or illness has a different recovery time. Also how well the patient’s responding to therapy, as every patient tends to have a different respond for different treatments. This speech therapy is performed by speech pathologist. The speech therapy takes place regularly. Patient is asked to smile or, stick out his tongues so he’s able to strengthen his muscles.

There many more therapists that exist in these rehabilitation programs. There are inhalation therapists, audiologists, and dieticians. Inhalation therapists help the patient in learning how to use respirators and other breathing aids to bring them back to or support breathing. Audiologists assist in diagnosing the patient's hearing loss and recommend solutions accordingly. Dietitians give dietary advice to aid the patient pull through from or avoid specific problems or diseases.

Rehabilitation programs are available in a variety of settings including medical and office practices, skilled-care nursing homes, hospitals, sports medicine clinics, and even some health maintenance organizations.