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Dr. Urspace!

Dr. Urspace!

Sick of those annoying pesky unnatractive, throw off your whole page advertisments after you use a myspace editor, or after getting a new layout??

Is your whole entire myspace profile a link to some whack myspace editor site?

Does your myspace page say "edited with ___ editor" or "Get more cool graphics, click here"?

Do you have a band page thats completley original....except for the fact that everyone now knows you used Thomas's Myspace Editor, and theres a link under everything on your page that says, "click here to get cool layouts"?

Did you put a bunch of surveys, tests, pictures, videos, graphics, movies, widgets on your page, and now your myspace is filled with advertisments from the websites that you used to "pimp out your profile"??

Yea you got a sweet layout and it looks pimp, it really does....but theres nothing pimp about telling people how pimp your space is. Having any advertisments on your page other then the required myspace advertisments is whack! They make the page unattractive, and draw attention away from your myspace, and onto the services of these websites.

99% of profile editors, graphics makers, comment makers, layout generators, surveys, ANYTHING that requires you to put any kind of HTML or JAVA code onto your myspace profile, secretley tag along a button, or link that hides on your page, alot of the times its in the top left hand corner of your page. Other places turn your pictures into links to their website. Often these websites will put 3 or 4 of these on your page. If you like to add things to your profile then you know what I am talking about. These website devlopers put their adds in a code that is tricky to spot for the average person, and this is where Dr. Myspace Steps In!

Q: Isnt it illegal to remove ad's if I used their servies?

A: Isnt it illegal to place an ad on a page without the owners permission?

Q: Wont my pictures, videos, layout, surveys, graphix get deleted if I remove their adds?

A: Its impossable, once the Code is on your site, no 2nd or 3rd party can edit it, including deleteing it. HTML is free.

Q: What can Dr. Urspace! do for me?

A: Dr. Myspace! will remove ANYTHING linking back to any editor you used to make your profile, including buttons, links, floaters ANYTHING. You want your profile to look like its your profile, no one wants to see who made your myspace layout, or where to get cool graphics. With Dr. Urspace! it will be your myspace and thats it. No links to other sites, no buttons that say click here for sweet graphics, no taking your pictures over and making them links. Just your page.

Q: Sounds good, but how much is this gonna cost me?

A: 5 dollars per myspace page