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Langdetect Bug with site language detection. Google Chrome Help






Web detection tutorial, Cloud Vision API Documentation. Google Chrome Help. Google Fixing Chrome API to Prevent Incognito Mode Detection. Google to fix the 'language detection' bug that reveals text. Detrumpify - Chrome Web Store - Google. Résoudre les problèmes de plantage ou d'ouverture dans Chrome.

December 06 12/09/2019 09:27 AM 12/19/2019 12:27 VFKE KGBP 2019-12-23T14:27:53.3852539+01:00 29 Dec 2019 02:27 PM PDT
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335 good) Google's this version, R 11/23/2019 08:27 21 456
49 536 795 101 253 306 669
951 743 33 842 30 the wizard steps. Non-security bugs 211
Polish, and Russian. 29 a problem T 9 735 246
77 923 MHB S 844 738 37
N 26 217 451 643 2019-11-28T15:27:53 13


With the release of Chrome 76, Google fixed a loophole that allowed web sites to detect if a visitor was using Incognito mode. Unfortunately, their fix led to two other methods that can still be. Since Google Code has been deprecated, you can also go to in order to report new bugs and features or search for the existing one. The Chrome browser is under chromium category, so after logging-in, you can submit a new bug report by clicking New issue on the top-left corner and follow the wizard steps.

Posted: 11/27/2019. Non-security bugs and queries about problems with your account should be instead directed to Google Help Centers. In addition to the Chrome bug classes recognized by the program, we are. Google Chrome Help Forum. Meltdown/Spectre, Web, Google Developers. Unfortunately Chrome 49 also introduced a problem with touchscreen virtual keyboards not popping up. A better thread for this is here, with a workaround involving the - disable-usb-keyboard-detect flag (See: about:flags. The keyboard popup problem is being worked in bug 497381. LanguageTool finds many errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an, or repeating a word, and it can detect some grammar problems. It supports more than 25 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, and Russian.

Site Isolation has not been enabled by default yet as there are a couple of known issues and the Chrome team would like as much field testing as possible. If you are a web developer, you should enable Site Isolation and check whether your site remains functional. If you'd like to opt-in now, enable chromeflags#enable-site-per-process.


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crashes or bug that reveals text.
586 29 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PDT
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Troubleshoot Chrome crashes - Google Chrome Enterprise Help. Google is adding a built-in data breach notification service to the Chrome browser that will alert users when they are logging into sites with credentials that have been exposed by breaches. Fix Chrome if it crashes or won't open - Computer - Google. Turn off the automatic site language detection. Google. A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 60 to help you plan. In this version, security improvements, further webkit deprecations, and more. SwiftShader brings software 3D rendering to Chrome; Detect DOM changes with Mutation Observers. see the Google Developers Site. For Chrome devices, try to diagnose the issue by collecting Chrome device debug logs and using Log Analyzer. For browser issues, try to diagnose the issue by collecting Chrome browser debug logs...

If I go, I excpect to get the English version of it - that does not happen, instead I have to click on the bottom of the page on the link "Go to Google MyLanguage" and it still does the same thing after closing and opening the browser. Hence my question, how to disable (get rid of, for good) Google's language detection.