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Greetings and welcome to F.F.S' World of Warcraft guild website. Let's start out by telling you what the guild is all about.
First off, what F.F.S. means, For Fucks Sake. The name was not the guild leaders idea, but one of the officers. Several people from a previous guild got tired of all the the rules and left it. The legend has begun.
As of October 19th, 2007, Drakhoan (current guild leader) took action to form the guild. With the help of Linny (high rank officer/co-owner) and Tinasha (same as Linny) recruiting and supplying funds, it wasn't long before the legend of F.F.S has come into light.
Now, I ask you, are you tired of your guild leader always saying "mandatory Vent/Teamspeak", "mandatory raids/instances", or "guild meetings must be attended my all members"? Well, look no further than F.F.S for the comfort of not having many rules or bossy leaders. F.F.S is a laid back, don't give a fuck guild. Run by friendly players, you are sure to find the comfort you need.