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First, a little about me. I'm 30 I have a boyfriend, and am a Solitary Eccletic Pagan Female. I am not Wiccan, and my only problem with them is that they get a little too soap boxy sometimes. I believe fully that if someone harms me or mine, I have every right to harm them back. Not "Let Karma take care of it." Because I don't think that the person would get it through their head by then, and they'd keep doing to others what was done to me and mine. So I don't subscribe to that an harm none crap. My Personal Rainbow Bridge for my pets.

Age: 30, as of 2010

Gender: Last I checked from birth I've been a female. *checks again* Yup still female.

Hair Color: Naturally it's ugly brown, but I've been dying it for about a year to black.

Eye Color: Chocolate

Glasses: Yes, and I got a new pair since the picture. And my hair's remarkably longer.

Short or long hair: It's almost shoulder length. It comes to the nape of my neck.

Children: Not yet.

Marital Status: Never married, but in a long term relationship. That's my boyfriend with me up in the picture

Political Views: Very Liberal

Living Pets: Princess:My dear sweet kitty cat. I saved her furry little life, and she knows it. Though she likes to be independant.

Bentley: or C.U.B. short for Captain Under Bite! He's got the biggest under bite I have ever seen on a Shih-Tzu. He is a good dog, sweet, and a bit clingy. Thank the Gods as I type this he's on his chair. I can't go to the bathroom without him standing just outside it looking at me. I love him but he's a bit too much of a velcro dog.

Hamster-named after Richard Hammond on Top Gear. She is a mostly grey kitty, she has some light brown and white on her face.

Pets I want: I want another ferret, a rat, and a Min-Pin.

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