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Draghoul my story

Friday, 13 February 2009

Chapter One
    You know people think that there is nothing weird about the plante we live on but they have no idea what goes on, who is what but i do, i have known for a long time, I know because im not Human. My name is Draghoul and this is my story. About twenty years ago a woman named Serlina gave birth to a very diffreant child,me. She was walking the streets when she was abdoucted and taken th the realm of death Slitherics and was sold as a slave. That is where my story begins.

    Serlina a very beautiful woman with Light blue eyes, shoulder length dark blue with white highlights hair, smooth silk skin, her breasts was a small c cup and well rounded. She has a very kind and good heart cares about all life. Serlina is not a normall Human she had magical powers.The place she was at was complety reversed. Working as a slave for low life demons. The demons made Serlina clean everything and raped her nightly. The Demons had kept Serlina for months same thing every night. The demons started getting board so they put Serlina on sale. A Powerful Demon named Omnibus took intrest in Serlina. Omnibus is a very good looking with Dark blue skin but when light hits it it looks like dimands. Dont be fulled by his looks he is the meanist Demon or thing on Slitherics. Omnibus went to the demons trying to sell Serlina, "I'm takeing your slave" "Umm i dont think so buddy that well be 1000 blood rubies" "oh ok" omnibus said with a smile he walked to one of the other demons and put his hand on his chest "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" the demon scremed as he blew up and rubies started falling from the ramaines "is that good" omnibus said cocky and full of attude. The demons shaking of fear "y...yy... yyyes tha...tha... that is good" "oh no my ruby bage is low" "wiat you wont" "dont you know who i am" "no we dont" "I am lord Omnibus" "Omn...Omn...Omnibus" "oh so you do know me to bad now Die" "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" both demons scream and exeploded and more blood rubies fall to the ground from the remians. "Pick those up for me now and dont try to use your magic on me either." Serlina did what was told out of fear because she did not want to die. So she picked up the still warm blood rubies and followed Omnibus to his castle.

    When Omnibus and Serlina got back to his castle Omnibus was greated by more Demons and slaves of all kinds, Humans, Elfs, Half-Elfs, and Fairies. One of the slaves caught Serlinas eye she was a Half-Elf, half human, half elf, with the same features as her but instead of blue and white hair, it was Silver with blue highlights. She walked up to Omnibus and bowed,"This is your in roomate teach her the rules an  keep her in check you know what happens if you dont" "yes master i understand" "good no get out of my face" She bowed and walked to Serlina while Omnibus lefted inside. "Hello my name is Aggis dont worrie child i will not hurt you, Follow me please" Aggis said turning the oppeset direction then Omnibus and started walking. So Serlina followed Aggis until they reached the castle "Dont worry i will show you around after i take you to our room and get you into some better clothes" Aggis said with out turning around. Serlina was just thinking that how did she know."I can read minds said Aggis no please come with me i will tell you everything you need to know when we get to the room." They walked for another ten minates and went down some stairs and into a door, Aggis shut the door behind Serlina. Serlina was surpirised at how warm the room, It had two leather couches, Two tables plantes and candles every where."Wh...." Serlina started to say but Aggis interupted "Because this is my Chambers and Omnibus wants nothing to do with this part of the castle so i can do any thing i want. Let me show you around reel fast, ok over here you have the work space for spells and potions." She pointed at a door in the room. "over here you have the some what kithcen." She pointed to a fire place with shelfs in it "i see you noticed half the room is blue that is your part in the room you are more then welcome to change things if you want. But please dont touch my armour no matter what unless i tell you to." "This is so beautiful i love it but how did you know" "Oh i didnt the room did" "What????????" "You dont know much about magic do you" "no, Omnibus said back at the marketplace for me not use any magic on him" "ok i will teach you but he is right never use it on him EVER. that is rule 1" Serlina noded and walked to her armour and opened it up."i noticed that you and i look almost alike why i'm an only child"Serlina said while taking out one of the blue dresses."yes you are the only child from your mother but your father is my father.""oh i see that is why i never knew him" Serlina looked like she was in a trance and her facal expressions said that they was not happy memories."Serlina....Serllina" Serlina snapped out of her trance and took off her old clothes. "ok back to beisness, Rule two never call him Omnibus it is master, Rule three dont fight no matter what.""what do you mean dont fight why would i need to?""if the master wishes to use you for something you dont like DONT FIGHT, if another slave starts things DONT FIGHT, so no matter what DONT FIGHT!!!" "oh ok i understand" Serlina said saddly. "Are you ok do you need help with the dress?" "please" Aggis chuckled and walked up to Serlina's tanned silk skin and put her hand on Serlina's shoulder. "First of all you have it on backwards see the ruffles they are supposed to be in the front. All you have to do is take the bottom here and slide it on over your head. Let the dress do the rest." "thank you" Serlina said blusshing. i never been so close to a woman before when im naked Serlina thought.

    "God you are so cute but you will get used to it" Aggis said laughing. Serlina looked at Aggis her face red with embarisment forgetting that Aggis can read minds."it is ok sweety i will teach you everything i know" Aggis said. "umm how is it i can do magic but never did magic" "because our father was a great warlock but died when the two of us were born, So all of his power  came to us plus what we were born with." "how is it we can do magic here but not in front of Omn...Master" "because i put a charm on this whole area he knows about it but doesnt care he is more powerful then you and i put together" "Oh i see when can i start learning" "tonight if you want but when ever you are called you get there NOW so the first thing i will teach you is Teleport"

    So Serlina and Aggis walked into the work room. Serlina was amazed at how well the room was with pentegrams on the celling, walls, and a griant one one the floor. With posters of tigers and dragons together."why the tigers and dragons" "The tigers stand for Stanima, and will power. The dragons stand for Strength, and courge. Both together is extrimmly rare there for you get more power and respect". "Wait that means that this birth mark of mine means something". Serlina said while showing her neck to Aggis. Aggis looked at the birth mark and her eyes opened up wide with surpise. "Th....Tha...Thats a white tiger that is really really rare that means that only the black dragon can kill you, well it is just a myth but it goes te person with the white tiger is an imortal and can only be hurt by the black dragon. but one more rare is the one that bares the white tiger and the black dragon is.... is.. well God". "Oh so dose that mean that im special" "yes Serlina you are the master has a brith mark like that but he only has part of one, it is a black dragon body". "so he can hurt me or kill me?" "no he only has part not the whole thing, he can hurt you but not kill you". "now let us get back to work". "Ok" Serlina said excitedly. "now i am going to show you how to do it dont get mad if it takes you awhile to get it ok" "ok" Serlina said. Aggis put her hands together and said "TELEPORT" and pooof she was on the other side of the room "now you try". Serlina did just as Aggis did she put her hands together and said "TELEPORT" and pooof Serlina was gone. Aggis was shocked the fact that she teleported on the first try, but even more shocked to find Serlina no where to be seen. "Serlina.....Serlina" Aggis heard a crash in the other room. She went to go see what it was and when she opened the door she saw Serlina lying on the floor and coverd by a light snow. Aggis ran to Serlina's side to help her just to find out that she was unconscise. Aggis helped Serlina out of her dress and caried her to the bath tub and carefully laid Serlina in the tub and turned on the hot water and the cold to make it luke warm. Aggis washed Serlina from head to toe and made sure that there was no scratches or wounds. whlie looking over Serlina, Aggis found more marks on her body, not birthmarks but scars, what scard Aggis is where this scars where locatied for they were on her vagina and breasts among other locations. "Oh Serlina you have had a terable past havent you, but unfortunatly your pain is no over yet" Aggis said softly. When Aggis finished cleaning Serlina and tending to any new wounds Aggis picked up Serlina and put in her bed and covered her with the blankets. "you my poor Serlina really are spiecal" Aggis said turning off the lights.

Posted by draghoul333 at 1:45 PM HST
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