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DpN Central


DpN Past, Present, Future... Havok our founder was constantly being hounded by a bounty hunter clan referred to as the Death Bringers, the Death Bringers greatly out numbered him. Havok was extremely discouraged with his LOA clan that was in a mess, it was going nowhere, so Havok then choose to create the DpN (or Dead Pool Network). Havok worked very hard to recruit and bring friends into the clan he soon built up a small following members such as Riec, Ultima, Jacob, Dragon, Archangel, Vampiress, Nightfall, Neozetta and so on. He trained them hard making them a good clan and recruiting as always. After a while Havok choose to retire and a vote was held to determine the new leader. Vampiress of DpN was named as leader and the clan continued as before. Havok was often around to offer advice and such. The clan grew more and obtained more allies and soon Havok and Vampiress married and Falling Waters became the haven of DpN Havok set out on a quest at this time and upon his return DpN was plagued by one called Samson determined to destroy DpN and take the Seven magic rings Havok had collected. After Samson's defeat Havok suffered greatly. His sanity not what it was he and Vampiress parted and he went into total seclusion coming back only as required from time to time. Vampiress continued to lead DpN until her sudden demise by traitorous acts within the clan. Loyal member’s resurrected Vampiress by placing her soul into a new body. Christening her Tania, and appointing her once more as leader of DpN. Now with the growing numbers of DpN members a Council has been chosen to oversee and decide on all matters within the clan. Levels have been established to provide, required training to members. All for the better most believe and the clan still stands as one as a family. Many more threats and battles are bound to occur from time to time, but for now DpN still grows and prospers. Who knows what will happen we will just have to wait and see......
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