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Families we are searching for include: Adams (Eugene), Andrea, Ball, Bartley, Baum, Behm, Button, Cook, Corcoran, Disque, Dolan, Drescher, Eichenlaub, Fiesinger, Fowler, Fritz, Haver, Heitzman,Hemmer, Kallfelz, Kelley, Koch, Kohles, Michels, Morath, Nann, Nlson, Place, Rausch, Roeschlaub, Schauer, Schlindwein, Schneider, Servantius, Spath, Steigerwad, Straub, Trei, Turcot, Weinheimer, Weis, Wente, Zett, Zimmerman, Zinger.  

We have newspaper articles on most of the above names that we would love to share. 

Most of our families are from Germany and we would love to expand our family lines backwards as well as forwards. 

Please enjoy our website.