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At a time when the very Gods fought each other and brought their war to the world, one man walked alone in the Savage Frontiers of the cold north. These dark days saw many things brought to ruin, the least of which was the Weave of Magic by which our hero crafted his life. Arcane words that should have led a newfound animal companion to him were twisted wild, and back-lashed upon the caster. The resulting deformation was immediate. Where once was a young man strong, healthy and sound, now stood something that was only human within. The magic had indeed bonded a bit of the wild to him, but beyond anything he intended or wanted.

"I was human once.", the voice had said from within the cowl of the robes he was never without these days. If anything, he was stronger now in both the ways of the body and mind. His powers grew continually, whereas the way in which society looked upon him waned. Scorned, ridiculed, and even beaten, he continued to believe in what had always driven him onward - take what you have and have learned to stand for those in need, no matter the personal cost nor the return. He didn't expect anyone, this young woman included, to look past his animalistic features to see the man behind the beast, as very few ever did. Some day he would return to the city of his birth, once coming to terms with what he had become. His work would continue to benefit others, but from behind closed doors and heavy clothing.

Wait, was she looking past the mask of shadow to see him eye to eye?! No, don't let yourself get some foolish notion. Your voice has her attention as do your actions, but you are nothing more than a tool. She is but one more face in your on-going dream.

"Methez," and then she paused as if carefully wagering her choice of words. "My Lord, Stormweather. I know those thoughts within you. I can read both the pain and promise within your eyes. Even when you don't think I'm watching you. I know the measure of the heart within, and all that its has done. Believe in me that these eyes look beyond what is before them. And they love the man that lies beneath." She held the furred hand within her own, held it up until the warmth caressed her soul as his fingers slowly caressed her face, "I love you."