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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker



Whittaker Wisdom

Rev. David Whittaker, Washington State





DAVID.JPGWhere would we be today, without the Word of God?


Folks:  Do you even realize just how vital the word is to your life?  We all want to be full of wisdom, and many of us think we are. You know the old saying, "Wise as serpents and Harmless as doves".   But, Just How Wise Are We?


A young man is really going through some tough valleys right now.  He is highly educated, multi talented, and has a wonderful family. He lost both his parents who spent many years in the ministry, so, God asked me to adopt him as my son.  I have two other sons, adopted, and extremely different from any of the rest, and that's ok, because God is working on them.  He works on me too, especially when I lack wisdom.  The lack of wisdom causes us to move ahead of where we should be, and we begin to live an impulsive life.  We think that our moves, our decisions etc, are the Will of God, and when nothing falls into place, and we fall flat on our face,  We think God has deserted us, when in reality, we got in a hurry, knowing we were supposed to wait on God.


Folks:  We do it all the time.  We think we know the mind of God so well, that we can't see any wisdom in waiting for Him to lead. After all, God gave us Free Will, and of course, it's only natural that we should know all about what His will is.


Should we ask for Wisdom?  We all should say, "Yes" - but our attitude often is often, "I already know.  He told me".  The mistake of our life is, that what we think is Him telling us something - is not Him at all.  It's our own ego speaking, and our own desire to always be on the move; when in a nutshell, we should have waited a little longer. Past experience reminds me that Waiting on the Lord and His Spirit, no matter how long I have to wait, is the best thing I can do. 


Do you know His will?  Do you have His wisdom?  Right now, in the quiet of the moment, “ASK  FOR HIS WISDOM” and  “WAIT FOR HIS DIRECTION”.  You'll never be sorry!! 


Lastly, don't let others tell you what His wisdom is for you.  They may not even know His Wisdom for themselves.


God Bless You richly. I love you.

Pastor Dave