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Is The Church On The Way Out?

Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


What is it that causes the church to lose its ground, and begin to die?


When we compare the church of today with the church of yesterday, there is almost no comparison.

Ø     Yesterday, the church was still preaching, " The Wages Of Sin" …

… Today it would seem all right to sin; and there is relatively little mention of the consequences.

Ø      Ministers in the church of yesterday, were expected to be Holy men of God, now…

… The opposite has come in, and a new age way of thinking has taken over. 


If you read the newspapers, you will know what I am talking about. Alternative lifestyles are taking over the church, and most of the congregations have little power to do anything about it. It is no wonder that people are staying out of the church.


Those who are real Bible-believing Christians can find nothing to hang on to. Shame on our leaders who get involved with things that are anti-Christian.


The other thing that has bothered me for a very long time, is the number of pastors who only hold one service a week, because not many come out at night.  This is wrong.  We need not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, because the world has made it a lot harder to hang on to the blessing, and the word.


People don't think spending time in the word is important, so they don't remember what was preached the last time they attended church. 


Folks, Christ said: where two or three are gathered in My name, There am I in the midst of them. That means just what it says.  If we are going to be effective in our communities, we need to get back to the church of the good old days.


I know the excuse for so many changes is that the young people won't go to church if we don't change.  Do you know, the only reason that the youth are the biggest part of the church, is because the church has compromised its standards?

¨     Now we have "Christian rock”:  I don't believe rock ever was meant to be in the church. 

¨      Now we have colored hair of all colors, and rings in more parts of the body than was ever meant to have, and those things seem to be acceptable. 


I say, that if teaching and preaching the Word, in the church of old didn't kill me, it certainly will not kill any of you either. 


It is time for the church to evaluate where it is going. “New age” doesn't cut it with God.


I know I may upset some. If I have stepped on toes… well, I wish more would do that. Please forgive me, I just have to speak what I believe is right in these last days.


Christ is coming again for a church that is ready.  I know I am not perfect and I pray often for forgiveness, but truth is truth.  God is a loving God, but He also is a Just God.  Draw nigh unto Him and He will draw nigh to you.


God Bless you in your service to him.

