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Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington


I have been concerned of late, at the number of people who use the excuse for not going to church, " I don't get anything out of it."


"A Lame Excuse" in my thinking. I have been to many church services over the years, in many different settings, and while I admit that sometimes I have been left a little dry, I decided that if you think about it hard enough, you can understand that the pastor only delivers according to his understanding, and the way he was taught in seminary.


When you examine the many varied churches surrounding your community, you can see quite a bit of lacking, as far as knowledge of the word is concerned. When you listen to different people deliver the message, there is something you can detect immediately.  Reading prayers, reading the messages, copying words someone else put into print, and, not being prepared.  Of course, teachers and preachers alike should and must be prepared at all times.


That's where the “be instant in season and out of season” comes in to play.  I did some interim pastoring in a church that had never given thought to what the Holy Ghost was all about. They were used to much ritual, a certain wording for those who wanted Christ, etc. They took communion at every service, and that is ok, except that no one was excluded, and there was no teaching about taking the sacraments unworthily. All you had to do was to take the preacher's hand, and repeat some words, and you were a “Christian”. No matter what, or how you lived outside the church. The board-chairman never came to church drawing a sober breath, and he even served communion in that state.


Back to my concern: If we allow ourselves to be duped into believing that God can't minister to us, no matter where we worship, then we are to be pitied. It's all a matter of attitude, how much we receive.  I have been to funeral homes where I was ministered to more strongly than in the church. You might think that strange, since funeral homes are supposed to be sad and dreary places. But friend, If you are a child of God, and you believe that He is with you wherever you are, then you must believe that somehow, you are going to receive something for you to digest in the days to follow.


I have come to this conclusion, that if I really want a blessing, and to be ministered to - I must get my eyes off the surroundings, the ritual, etc., and believe in my heart that God will speak something, just for me. I will only get what I go looking for and expecting. 


Perhaps if you feel you are wasting your time in going to church, then perhaps you had better examine your attitude. Pray for the one that lacks, put what you can into the service, display a right spirit and attitude, and God will take care of the rest. 


God Bless you,
